.net Powerful JavaScript charts
RGraph is a JavaScript charts library based on HTML5 SVG and canvas. RGraph is mature (over 17 years old) and has a wealth of features making it an ideal choice to use for showing charts on your website.

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Get the latest version of RGraph (version 6.20, 1st December 2024) from the download page. You can read the changelog here. There's also older versions available, minified files and links to hosted libraries.

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RGraph can be used for free under the GPL or if that doesn't suit your situation there's an inexpensive (£129) commercial license available.

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The SVG text function

The RGraph.SVG.text function is a function that can be used to add text to an svg tag - in RGraphs case this will be a chart.

It has several features that make common tasks (eg font selection, size, font-weight and alignment) significantly easier than creating the text tags yourself and adding them to the svg tag.

It's used by all of the charts libraries and there's no reason that you shouldn't use the function too if you need to add extra text to your chart.

It looks like this (assume that you have a chart object called obj):

    object:     obj,
    parent:     obj.svg.all,
    tag:        'Some text',
    text:       'A nice red\r\nBar chart!',
    x:          50,
    y:          260,
    halign:     'left',
    valign:     'bottom',
    font:       'Verdana',
    size:       18,
    bold:       true,
    italic:     true,
    color:      'blue',
    background: 'rgba(232,232,232,0.75)',
    padding:    5,
    link:       '',
    linkTarget: '_blank'

The options to the function

Here's a breakdown of the options that are available to you:

Name: object
The chart object. This is required.
Name: parent
RGraph svg charts have all of the elements inside one group - a g tag - which has the class attribute set to all-elements.
So you can add your elements to that if you want, but you don't have to if you don't want to. This property is optional.
Default: none (optional)
Name: tag
The tag element enables you to find specific text tags at a later point using the RGraph.SVG.text.find function.
Default: none
Name: text
The text that you want to display.
Default: none
Name: x
The X coordinate.
Default: none
Name: y
The Y coordinate.
Default: none
Name: halign
The horizontal alignment, This can be left, center or right.
Default: left
Name: valign
The vertical alignment, This can be top, center or bottom.
Default: bottom
Name: font
The font face to be used.
Default: sans-serif
Name: size
The size of the text (measured in points).
Default: 12
Name: bold
Whether the text is bold or not.
Default: false
Name: italic
Whether the text is italic or not.
Default: false
Name: color
The color of the text.
Default: black
Name: background
The background color (if any).
Default: [no color)
Name: padding
The padding that's used on the text.
Default:  0
Name: events
Whether or not the text should receive mouse events (eg mouseover and click).
Default: true
Name: link
If specified this is the href of where to link to.
Default: [an empty string]
Name: linkTarget
The target for the link (this is just like the target for regular html links).
Default: _blank

A full source code example

Here's an example of a full chart. Notice that, unlike the canvas libraries, even though we're drawing on the chart and have dynamic features enabled (ie tooltips) the extra text that is being added doesn't need to be added in the draw event. This is because with svg the scene is not repeatedly being redrawn like a canvas chart is.

    obj = new RGraph.SVG.Bar({
        id: 'cc',
        data: [7,6,5,2,3,5,8],
        options: {
            colors: ['gradient(red:#faa)'],
            xaxisLabels: ['Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat','Sun'],
            tooltips: ['Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday
            xaxis: false,
            yaxis: false,
            shadow: true,
            backgroundGridVlines: false,
            backgroundGridBorder: false
        object:     obj,
        parent:     obj.svg.all,
        tag:        'Some text',
        text:       'A nice red\r\nBar chart!',
        x:          50,
        y:          260,
        halign:     'left',
        valign:     'bottom',
        font:       'Verdana',
        size:       18,
        bold:       true,
        italic:     true,
        color:      'blue',
        background: 'rgba(232,232,232,0.75)',
        padding:    5,
        link:       '',
        linkTarget: '_blank'

Using carriage returns in your text

Carriage returns are catered for as of version 4.65 - all you need to do is use \r\n in your text - as you might expect. The example above uses a carriage return so that the text spans two lines.

Disabling events for the text

If you don't want the text to accept mouse events (such as click and mouseover) then you can disable them by using the events property. By default this is true - so the text will be liable for the click and mouseover events. But if you set this property to false then any events will be ignored and the text will be transparent to the mouse - allowing you to click elements behind the text as if the text wasn't there.

The RGraph.SVG.text.find() function

Like the canvas libraries there's an api function that can help you get hold of the text nodes that RGraph adds to your charts: the RGraph.SVG.text.find function. This function is very similar to the canvas version in its operation - here's an example.

    obj = new RGraph.SVG.Bar({
        id: 'cc',
        data: [4,8,6,3,5,8,4],
        options: {
            xaxisLabels: ['Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat','Sun'],
            labelsAbove: true,
            labelsAboveUnitsPost: '%',
            marginInner: 20,
            textSize: 20,
            textBold: true

        object: obj,         // Give the object to get the relevant SVG tag
        // svg: obj.svg,     // Or give the actual SVG tag itself (you could also use document.getElementById() here)
        tag: 'labels.above', // Exact match tag to find (eg labels.above
        // tag: /^labels/    // A regex that matches the text nodes that we want
        // text: 'Thu'       // Exact match text to find (eg Mon)
        // text: /^t/i       // A regex that matches the text nodes that we want

        callback: function (opt)
            alert(opt.nodes); // This is the nodes that were found
            alert(opt.nodes.length + ' node(s) found')

The options that you can give this function are:

There's an example of using this function in the RGraph.SVG.text.find howto document.

The defaults object

As with the canvas RGraph.text function, if you have a lot of text to add to your canvas then you may want to use the defaults object. As it sounds, this object allows you to set the default values that are used for the text function so you can set the values once instead of on every call to the function. For example:

obj = new RGraph.SVG.Bar({
    id: 'cc',
    data: [4,8,6,4,5,3,5],
    options: {

RGraph.SVG.text.defaults = {
    font:  'Comic sans MS',
    size:  20,
    bold:  true,
    color: 'blue'

    object: obj,
    x: 50,
    y: 50,
    text: 'Some example text!'

    object: obj,
    x: 50,
    y: 100,
    italic: true,
    bold: false,
    text: 'Some more example text but in italic instead of bold!'