Negative horizontal margin on a Bar chart
This is a demo of a combined (grouped) Bar and Line chart
where the marginInnerGrouped
setting on the Bar chart
has been set to -15
, This gives the appearance of the bars
overlapping each other slightly.
It has dual Y-axes
by utilising the drawing api
object and the colors have been specifically set
to what they are to link the bars and lines together.
The Lines also have slightly larger-than-normal tickmarks for a nicer aesthetic and the whole chart uses slightly larger-than-the-default text.
In terms of responsive
features, there's not much done by the Line chart
- though there's a lot done
by the Bar chart
- particularly to accommodate the y-axis
objects. To make it easier to understand
you will do well to "un-minify" it and spread it across multiple lines.
This goes in the documents header:
<script src="RGraph.common.core.js"></script> <script src=""></script> <script src="RGraph.line.js"></script> <script src="RGraph.drawing.yaxis.js"></script>Put this where you want the chart to show up:
<div style="padding: 25px; display: inline-block; margin:20px"> <canvas id="cvs" width="650" height="250">[No canvas support]</canvas> </div>This is the code that generates the chart - it should be placed AFTER the
<script> marginLeft = 75; marginBottom = 35; marginRight = 75; marginTop = 45; canvas = document.getElementById('cvs'); // Draw the Y-axis that's positioned on the right-hand-side. It's colored // red so that it matches the color of the Line and it's therefore easier // to read the chart. axes = new RGraph.Drawing.YAxis({ id: 'cvs', x: canvas.width - marginRight, options: { textSize: 16, yaxisScaleMax: 10, yaxisPosition: 'right', // This is not just a normal space character - it comes from // the Windows 'charmap' program and is a non-breaking space. // This means that it doesn't get removed like normal space // characters do. You may need to get this character from // 'charmap' as when you copy the code from this page it // might be converted to a regular space - which is not the // same. yaxisScaleUnitsPre: ' ', yaxisScaleUnitsPost: 'ma', yaxisColor: 'red', yaxisLinewidth: 3, yaxisTickmarksLength: 5, marginBottom: marginBottom } }).draw(); // Create the Y-axis that appears on the left-hand-side of the chart. It // has a different scale to the other Y-axis. It's colored gray so that // it's easier to tally with the correct Line and Bars. axes2 = new RGraph.Drawing.YAxis({ id: 'cvs', x: marginLeft, options: { textSize: 16, yaxisScaleMax: 20, // This is not just a normal space character - it comes from // the Windows 'charmap' program and is a non-breaking space. // This means that it doesn't get removed like normal space // characters do. You may need to get this character from // 'charmap' as when you copy the code from this page it // might be converted to a regular space - which is not the // same. yaxisScaleUnitsPost: 'ma ', yaxisColor: 'gray', yaxisLinewidth: 3, yaxisTickmarksLength: 5, marginBottom: marginBottom, marginTop: marginTop } }).draw(); // Create the Bar chart. The marginInnerGrouped setting is set to // -15 and this is what gives the chart the overlapping appearance. bar = new RGraph.Bar({ id: 'cvs', data: [[4,8],[6,5],[5,4],[1,9],[4,8],[8,6]], options: { marginBottom: marginBottom, marginLeft:marginLeft, marginRight:marginRight, marginTop:marginTop, colors: ['red','gray'], backgroundGrid: false, yaxisScale: false, xaxis: false, yaxis: false, yaxisScaleMax: 20, yaxisScaleUnitsPost: '%', xaxisLabels: ['Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat'], responsive: [ {maxWidth: null, width: 650, height: 250, options: {marginInnerGrouped: -15, marginInner: 30, textSize: 14}, callback:function () {axes.x = canvas.width - marginRight; RGraph.redraw();}}, {maxWidth: 750,width: 450,height: 250,options: {marginInnerGrouped: -5,marginInner: 15,textSize: 12}, callback:function () {axes.x = canvas.width - marginRight; RGraph.redraw();}} ] } }).wave({frames: 30}); // Create the Line chart (both lines are added by this Line chart). // It's a spline chart so that its curvy. line = new RGraph.Line({ id: 'cvs', data: [ [14,18,16,12,15,13], [10,16,13,19,16,20] ], options: { spline: true, backgroundGrid: false, tickmarksStyle: 'filledcircle', tickmarksSize: 7, shadow: false, linewidth: 5, marginLeft:marginLeft, marginBottom: marginBottom, marginLeft:marginLeft, marginRight:marginRight, marginTop:marginTop, xaxis: false, yaxis: false, yaxisScale: false, colors: ['red', 'gray'], yaxisScaleMax: 20, yaxisScale: false, responsive: [ {maxWidth: null, options: {linewidth: 5,tickmarksSize: 7,marginInner: 55}}, {maxWidth: 750, options: {linewidth: 3,tickmarksSize: 3,marginInner: 30}} ] } }).trace(); </script>