.net Powerful JavaScript charts
RGraph is a JavaScript charts library based on HTML5 SVG and canvas. RGraph is mature (over 17 years old) and has a wealth of features making it an ideal choice to use for showing charts on your website.

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Get the latest version of RGraph (version 6.20, 1st December 2024) from the download page. You can read the changelog here. There's also older versions available, minified files and links to hosted libraries.

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RGraph can be used for free under the GPL or if that doesn't suit your situation there's an inexpensive (£129) commercial license available.

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A Line chart using the CSV reader

[No canvas support]

A Line chart that's serving as a basic example of using the csv Reader in conjunction with the csv reader.

The data that's being fetched is done with this line-of-code:

var data = csv.column(2);

And what that does is fetch the whole of the third column (counting starts at zero). This column of data is then given to the chart as its data. The x-axis labels for the chart are simply hardcoded but they could quite easily be fetched from the first column of the csv like this:

var labels = csv.column(0);

The responsive function reduces the size of the canvas tag, reduces the size of the text and rotates the x-axis labels to an angle of 45 degrees. It also adds a bottom css margin and removes the css float.

This goes in the documents header:
<script src="RGraph.common.core.js"></script>
<script src="RGraph.common.csv.js"></script>
<script src="RGraph.line.js"></script>
Put this where you want the chart to show up:
<div style="float:right">
    <canvas id="cvs" width="500" height="250">[No canvas support]</canvas>
This is the code that generates the chart - it should be placed AFTER the canvas tag(s):
    // Create a new CSV connector object passing it the URL of the CSV file and a
    // function that creates the chart. Due to AJAX restrictions the URL must be
    // relative to the current website/domain.
    new RGraph.CSV('/sample.csv', function (csv)
        // Fetch the third column from the CSV file (the numbering is zero-indexed)
        var data = csv.column(2);

        // Create the Line chart and give it the data that we just got from the
        // CSV file along with some hardcoded X-axis labels.
        var line = new RGraph.Line({
            id: 'cvs',
            data: data,
            options: {
                xaxisLabels: ['Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'],
                shadow: false,
                backgroundGridBorder: false,
                backgroundGridVlines: false,
                xaxis: false,
                yaxis: false,
                    {maxWidth: null, width:500,height:250, options: {xaxisLabelsAngle: 0,textSize: 12,marginLeft: 35},parentCss: {marginBottom: 0,cssFloat: 'right',textAlign:'none'}},
                    {maxWidth: 900,width: 400,height: 150,options: {xaxisLabelsAngle: 20,textSize: 10,marginLeft: 45},parentCss: {marginBottom: '35px',cssFloat: 'none',textAlign:'center'}}