RGraph is a JavaScript charts library based on
HTML5 SVG and canvas. RGraph is mature (over 17 years
old) and has a wealth of features making it an ideal
choice to use for showing charts on your website.
Get the latest version of RGraph (version 6.20, 1st December 2024) from
the download page. You can read the changelog here. There's also older versions available,
minified files and links to cdnjs.com hosted libraries.
You can use these properties to control how the meter appears.
You can set them by including them in the options section of the
configuration as is shown above.
If required, you can position the Activity meter using this instead of the margins. As well as a number, that gives the exact coordinate of the center position of the meter, this can also be a string like this: centerx: '+25' or this: centerx: '-40' which is then used to adjust the calculated coordinate.
Default: null
Name: centery
If required, you can position the Activity meter using this instead of the margins. As well as a number, that gives the exact coordinate of the center position of the meter, this can also be a string like this: centery: '+25' or this: centery: '-40' which is then used to adjust the calculated coordinate.
Default: null
Name: radius
If required, you can size the Activity meter using this instead of the margins. As well as a number, that gives the exact coordinate of the center position of the meter, this can also be a string like this: radius: '+25' or this: radius: '-40' which is then used to adjust the calculated coordinate.
Default: null
Name: width
The width of each bar on the meter.
Default: null
Name: ends
This determines whether the bars on the chart have rounded or straight edges. The possible values for the property are round or straight
Default: round
Margin properties
Name: marginLeft
The left margin of the chart.
Default: 15
Name: marginRight
The right margin of the chart.
Default: 15
Name: marginTop
The top margin of the chart.
Default: 15
Name: marginBottom
The bottom margin of the chart.
Default: 15
Name: marginInner
The margin in between the circular bars on the chart.
Default: 1
Background properties
Name: backgroundGrid
Whether the background grid is drawn or not.
Default: false
Name: backgroundGridColor
If it's enabled then the background grid will be drawn in this color.
Default: #ddd
Name: backgroundGridRadials
Whether the straight lines that emanate from the center outwards are drawn or not.
Default: true
Name: backgroundGridRadialsCount
How many of the background grid radial lines there are.
If required this can be a function that handles the tooltip showing instead of the default RGraph tooltips. It should look like this:
tooltipsOverride: function (obj, opt)
// Show tooltip
The opt is an argument that contains these items:
object The chart object.
index The index of the element (that triggered the tooltip).
sequentialIndex The sequential index of the element that was clicked.
text The text to be used as the tooltip. Remember that this may contain html (or whatever else you may have specified).
event The event object (either a click or mousemove event).
Default: null
Name: tooltipsEvent
The event used for tooltips (either click or mousemove.
Default: click
Name: tooltipsPersistent
If you want the tooltips to persist after a click (ie they don't disappear) then you can set this property to true to get this behaviour. Keep in mind that if you have a lot of bars/segments/points/etc then it's possible for the chart to become quite crowded. If you need to subsequently clear all of the tooltips there's an api function available to do that for you and it's called: RGraph.SVG.tooltip.persistent.clear() If you want to access any (or all) of the tooltip div tags then you can do so using the RGraph.SVG.tooltip.persistent object. This option works when you have the tooltipsEvent property set to mousemove
Default: false
Name: tooltipsFormattedPoint
When using formatted tooltip strings this is used as the point when using the %{value_formatted} option.
Default: .
Name: tooltipsFormattedThousand
When using formatted tooltip strings this is used as the thousand separator when using the %{value_formatted} option.
Default: ,
Name: tooltipsFormattedDecimals
When using formatted tooltip strings this specifies the number of decimals when using the %{value_formatted} option.
Default: 0
Name: tooltipsFormattedUnitsPre
When using formatted tooltip strings these units are prepended to the number when using the %{value_formatted} option.
Default: (an empty string)
Name: tooltipsFormattedUnitsPost
When using formatted tooltip strings these units are appended to the number when using the %{value_formatted} option.
Default: (an empty string)
Name: tooltipsFormattedKeyLabels
The labels that are used in the formatted tooltip key.
Default: [] (an empty array)
Name: tooltipsFormattedKeyColors
The colors that are used in the formatted tooltip key. Normally these are automatically taken from the colors on the chart but can be specified differently using this property.
Default: null
Name: tooltipsFormattedKeyColorsShape
This is the shape that's used in the tooltip key. It can be square or circle
Default: square
Name: tooltipsFormattedKeyColorsCss
By using this property you can add css values to the key color shape that appears in the tooltip key. Note the property name is "color" and not "colors" like previous properties. It should be an object of css properties like this:
With this property you can switch between an unordered list (the default) and an ordered list. Possible values are ul and ol.
Default: ul
Name: tooltipsFormattedListItems
This should be a two-dimension array of the list items that are to be shown for all of the tooltips. An example of this property is:
tooltipsFormattedListItems: [
['Bill','Jerry','Berty'], // First tooltip
['Gill','Carrie','Lucy'], // Second tooltip
['Pob','Nobby','Hilda'] // Third tooltip
You can use css to style this list - for example:
.RGraph_tooltip ul#rgraph_formatted_tooltips_list li {
text-align: left;
color: yellow;
Default: null
Name: tooltipsFormattedTableHeaders
When showing a table in the tooltips this can be an array of headers for the table. These are added to the tooltip using th tags.
Default: null
Name: tooltipsFormattedTableData
This is the data that is added to the table. This is a 3-dimensional array so it's easy to make a mistake. See the example in the canvas documentation, copy the code from it and then modify it suit. You'll create fewer bugs this way.
Default: null)
Name: tooltipsPointer
By default the tooltips have a small triangular pointer that points to the shape that was clicked on. You can turn this off with this property.
Default: true
Name: tooltipsPointerCss
If you want any css values applied to the tooltips pointer (a css border, for example) then specify an object containing those values to this property. For example:
This allows you to adjust the horizontal position of the tooltips pointer.
Default: 0
Name: tooltipsPointerOffsety
This allows you to adjust the vertical position of the tooltips pointer.
Default: 0
Name: tooltipsPositionStatic
The new default (as of August 2020) is for tooltips to be positioned statically and not be dependent on the mouse position. If you don't want this for whatever reason, you can disable it with this setting. When you set it to false tooltips are positioned next to the mouse pointer.
Default: true
Name: tooltipsCss
If you want to specify some css that gets applied to all of the tooltips, but don't want to use the RGraph.SVG.tooltips.style object (which gets applied to all of the tooltips on the page for every chart) you can use this property to give some per-objectcss for the tooltips. These are css styles that get applied to all of the tooltips for the specific object only. It should look like this:
This property allows you to shift the tooltips left or right.
Default: 0
Name: tooltipsOffsety
This property allows you to shift the tooltips up or down.
Default: 0
Name: highlightStroke
The stroke color that's used when highlighting the chart.
Default: rgba(0,0,0,0)
Name: highlightFill
The fill color that's used when highlighting the chart.
Default: rgba(255,255,255,0.7)
Name: highlightLinewidth
The linewidth that's used when highlighting the chart.
Default: 1
Other properties
Name: adjustable
If true then the meter will be adjustable. Click on the meter to alter the values of the bars.
Default: false
Name: icons
This should be an array of file paths of images that appear at the start of the bars.
Default: null
Name: iconsWidth
If you want you can specify the width of the image with this property.
Default: null
Name: iconsHeight
If you want you can specify the height of the image with this property.
Default: null
Name: iconsOffsetx
With this property you can adjust the image position in the horizontal direction.
Default: 0
Name: iconsOffsety
With this property you can adjust the image position in the vertical direction.
Default: 0
Name: responsive
This option is new to the July 2023 release (v6.13) and allows you to inline the responsive configuration instead of appending it on to the end of the object it as a function. The documentation and demo pages have been updated to use this new option. You can read more about the responsive feature by reading the responsive configuration page.
Default: null
Name: zoom
Allow zooming of the chart. The svg zoom feature, added in version 6.19, allows you to zoom in on a certain area of your chart and then pan around by dragging the zoom. You can also increase or decrease the zoom level by using your mousewheel if you have one. You can read a documentation page about the SVG zoom feature here.
Default: false
This can be used to get properties if necessary. It's normally used
after the chart is drawn if you need to get parameters (if you're
doing custom coding for example).
obj.set(name, value)
This can be used to set properties if necessary. It's normally used
after the chart is drawn if you need to set additional parameters
or change them.
obj.on(event, handler)
This function adds an event listener (such as beforedrawdraw or tooltip) to the chart object. For example:
obj.on('draw', function (obj)
// Put your code here
This function can be used to execute a function (immediately). It's not event-based
(ie it doesn't run when something happens) - it just runs immediately - and only once.
You might use it when you need to get something from the chart when it's drawn and
then call the redraw function. Because this function only runs once the RGraph.SVG.redraw
function would not cause a loop - which would happen if you used the draw event.
obj.exec(function (obj)
// Put your code here
The responsive function helps your charts respond to different browser window
sizes and screen resolutions. For example, for smaller screens, you might want to have angled labels
or show shorter versions of them completely.
When you click on the chart this method can be used to get the corresponding angle.
Angles are measured in radians and go from (approximately) -(Math.PI / 2) (middle top) to
1.5 * Math.PI. Example usage is:
activity = new RGraph.SVG.Activity({
id: 'chart-container',
min: 0,
max: 100,
value: 63,
options: {
width: 60,
labelsCenterDecimals: 1
activity.container.onclick = function (e)
var angle = activity.getAngle(e);
// var angle = activity.getAngle(51); // You can also pass the function a value too
obj.getValue(event or angle)
When you click on the chart this method can be used to get the corresponding value.
The value is based on the minimum and maximum values. Example usage is:
activity = new RGraph.SVG.Activity({
id: 'chart-container',
min: 0,
max: 100,
value: 63,
options: {
width: 60,
labelsCenterDecimals: 1
activity.container.onclick = function (e)
var value = activity.getValue(e);
// var value = activity.getValue(angle); // You can also pass the function an angle too
When you click on the chart this method can be used to get the corresponding radius of the click
starting from the center of the chart. Example usage is:
RGraph supports custom events that allow you to easily add interactivity to your charts if
required. The following events are available:
beforedraw This event fires at the start of the draw method before anything has been done.
draw This event fires at the end of the draw function.
firstdraw This event fires at the end of the draw function - but only the first time and so it fires only once after the first draw call.
beforetooltip This event fires at the start of the tooltip showing process.
tooltip This event fires after a tooltip has been shown.
adjustbegin This event fires at the start of the adjusting process.
adjust This event fires (repeatedly) during the adjusting process.
adjustend This event fires at the end of the adjusting process.
For example:
new RGraph.SVG.Activity({
id: 'chart-container',
min: 0,
max: 100,
value: [23,35,45],
options: {
adjustable: true
}).draw().on('adjustbegin', function (obj)
console.log('Adjusting has started');
}).on('adjust', function (obj)
console.log('Adjusting is in progress...');
}).on('adjustend', function (obj)
alert('Adjusting has finished. New values are: ' + obj.value);
These effects are available and can be used instead of the draw function.