RGraph is a JavaScript charts library based on
HTML5 SVG and canvas. RGraph is mature (over 17 years
old) and has a wealth of features making it an ideal
choice to use for showing charts on your website.
Get the latest version of RGraph (version 6.20, 1st December 2024) from
the download page. You can read the changelog here. There's also older versions available,
minified files and links to cdnjs.com hosted libraries.
The coordinates for the bars on the Bipolar chart are held in the
following arrays:
All of the coordinates - that are simply appended to this
array as the bars are drawn. Each element of the array is
an object which consists of x, y, width,
height, element and object properties. The
element property is the svgrect element and the object
property is the RGraph object.
Similar to the obj.coords array but just for the
left-hand-side bars.
Similar to the obj.coords array but just for the
right-hand-side bars.
Again, this is all of the coordinates - but arranged slightly
differently. This is only used by stacked and grouped Bipolar charts -
each element is an array of that groups/stacks segments. then each
sub-element is an object which consists of x, y,
width and height, element and object
properties. The
element property is the svgrect element and the object
property is the RGraph object.
Similar to the obj.coords2 array but just for the
left-hand-side bars.
Similar to the obj.coords2 array but just for the
right-hand-side bars.
You can use these properties to control how the chart appears.
You can set them by including them in the options section of the
configuration as shown above.
A URL of an image to render to the left background.
Default: null
Name: backgroundImageLeftAspect
The aspect ratio setting of the left svg image tag, eg it could be XMinYMin meet.
Default: none
Name: backgroundImageLeftOpacity
The opacity value of the left background image.
Default: 0.5
Name: backgroundImageLeftStretch
Whether the left background image is stretched across the whole chart (except the margins).
Default: true
Name: backgroundImageLeftX
If you're not using the stretch option you can specify the x-axis coordinate of the left background image.
Default: null
Name: backgroundImageLeftY
If you're not using the stretch option you can specify the y-axis coordinate of the left background image.
Default: null
Name: backgroundImageLeftW
If you're not using the stretch option you can specify the width of the left background image.
Default: null
Name: backgroundImageLeftH
If you're not using the stretch option you can specify the height of the left background image.
Default: null
Name: backgroundImageRight
A URL of an image to render to the right background.
Default: null
Name: backgroundImageRightAspect
The aspect ratio setting of the right svg image tag, eg it could be XMinYMin meet.
Default: none
Name: backgroundImageRightOpacity
The opacity value of the right background image.
Default: 0.5
Name: backgroundImageRightStretch
Whether the right background image is stretched across the whole chart (except the margins).
Default: true
Name: backgroundImageRightX
If you're not using the stretch option you can specify the x-axis coordinate of the right background image.
Default: null
Name: backgroundImageRightY
If you're not using the stretch option you can specify the y-axis coordinate of the right background image.
Default: null
Name: backgroundImageRightW
If you're not using the stretch option you can specify the width of the right background image.
Default: null
Name: backgroundImageRightH
If you're not using the stretch option you can specify the height of the right background image.
Default: null
Name: backgroundGrid
Whether to show the background grid or not.
Default: true
Name: backgroundGridColor
The color of the background grid.
Default: #ddd
Name: backgroundGridLinewidth
The linewidth that the background grid lines are. Decimals (eg 0.5) are permitted.
Default: 1
Name: backgroundGridBorder
Determines whether a border is drawn around the grid.
Default: true
Name: backgroundGridHlines
Determines whether to draw the horizontal grid lines.
Default: true
Name: backgroundGridHlinesCount
Determines how many horizontal grid lines you have. The default is linked to how many scale labels that you have.
Default: null
Name: backgroundGridVlines
Determines whether to draw the vertical grid lines.
Default: true
Name: backgroundGridVlinesCount
Determines how many vertical grid lines you have. The default is to be linked to how many scale labels that you have.
Default: null
Name: backgroundGridDashed
You can specify a dashed background grid by setting this to true. This option takes precedence over the dotted variant.
Default: false
Name: backgroundGridDotted
You can specify a dotted background grid by setting this to true.
Default: false
Name: backgroundGridDashArray
With this option you can specify exactly what the array used for the linedash setting should be. It should be an array consisting of two numbers.
Default: null
Margin properties
Name: marginLeft
The left margin of the chart, (the margin is where the labels and title are)).
Default: 35
Name: marginRight
The right margin of the chart, (the margin is where the labels and title are).
Default: 35
Name: marginTop
The top margin of the chart, (the margin is where the labels and title are).
Default: 35
Name: marginBottom
The bottom margin of the chart, (the margin is where the labels and title are).
Default: 35
Name: marginCenter
This is the center bit of the chart where the labels sit. By default, it's automatically calculated for you but you can set it to a number if you wish.
Default: null
Name: marginInner
This is the margin between bars (or groups of bars on a grouped chart.
Default: 3
Name: marginInnerGrouped
On a grouped Bipolar chart this is the margin between bars within each group.
Default: 2
Color properties
Name: colors
An array of the colors of the bars.
Default: An array - ['rgb(0,0,255)', '#0f0', '#00f', '#ff0', '#0ff', '#0f0']
Name: colorsSequential
If true, for regular Bipolar charts, (not stacked or grouped), the colors that you specify will be used sequentially.
Default: false
Name: colorsStroke
The color of the outline of the bars.
Default: rgba(0,0,0,0)
Name: colorsLeft
Use this property to specify an array of colors that are used just for the left-hand-side bars. This property can be used instead of the colors property.
Default: null
Name: colorsRight
Use this property to specify an array of colors that are used just for the right-hand-side bars. This property can be used instead of the colors property.
Default: null
X-axis properties
Name: xaxis
Whether the x-axis is shown or not.
Default: true
Name: xaxisLinewidth
The linewidth that's used to draw the x-axis.
Default: 1
Name: xaxisTickmarks
Whether the x-axis has tickmarks or not.
Default: true
Name: xaxisTickmarksLength
The size of the x-axis tickmarks.
Default: 3
Name: xaxisTickmarksCount
Determines how many tickmarks there are on the x-axis.
Default: 5
Name: xaxisLabelsOffsetx
The horizontal pixel offset that's added to the x-axis labels.
Default: 0
Name: xaxisLabelsOffsety
The vertical pixel offset that's added to the x-axis labels.
Default: 0
Name: xaxisLabelsCount
The number of x-axis labels.
Default: 5
Name: xaxisScaleUnitsPre
Units that are prepended to the scale numbers.
Default: (An empty string
Name: xaxisScaleUnitsPost
Units that are appended to the scale numbers.
Default: (An empty string
Name: xaxisScaleDecimals
The number of decimals that the scale will show.
Default: 0
Name: xaxisScalePoint
The character(s) used as the decimal point.
Default: .
Name: xaxisScaleThousand
The character(s) used as the thousand separator.
Default: ,
Name: xaxisScaleRound
If set to true the max scale value will be rounded up.
Default: false
Name: xaxisScaleMax
The maximum scale value.
Default: null
Name: xaxisLabelsColor
The color of the x-axis text.
Default: null
Name: xaxisLabelsBold
Whether the x-axis text is bold or not.
Default: null
Name: xaxisLabelsItalic
Whether the x-axis text is italic or not.
Default: null
Name: xaxisLabelsFont
The font of the x-axis text.
Default: null
Name: xaxisLabelsSize
The size of the x-axis text.
Default: null
Y-axis properties
Name: yaxis
Whether the y-axis is shown or not.
Default: true
Name: yaxisLinewidth
The linewidth that's used to draw the y-axis.
Default: 1
Name: yaxisTickmarks
Whether the y-axis has tickmarks or not.
Default: true
Name: yaxisTickmarksLength
The size of the y-axis tickmarks.
Default: 3
Name: yaxisTickmarksCount
Determines how many tickmarks there are on the y-axis.
Default: null (defaults to however many datapoints you're showing.)
Name: yaxisLabels
The labels for the y-axis.
Default: null
Name: yaxisLabelsOffsetx
The horizontal pixel offset that's added to the y-axis labels.
Default: 0
Name: yaxisLabelsOffsety
The vertical pixel offset that's added to the y-axis labels.
Default: 0
Name: yaxisColor
The color of the y-axis.
Default: black
Name: yaxisLabelsColor
The color of the y-axis text.
Default: null
Name: yaxisLabelsBold
Whether the y-axis text is bold or not.
Default: null
Name: yaxisLabelsItalic
Whether the y-axis text is italic or not.
Default: null
Name: yaxisLabelsFont
The font of the y-axis text.
Default: null
Name: yaxisLabelsSize
The size of the y-axis text.
Default: null
Name: yaxisLabelsFormattedDecimals
When using formatted labels this is the number of decimals that are applied to the %{value_formatted} macro.
Default: 0
Name: yaxisLabelsFormattedPoint
When using formatted labels this is the decimal point character that's used with the %{value_formatted} macro.
Default: .
Name: yaxisLabelsFormattedThousand
When using formatted labels this is the thousand separator character that's used with the %{value_formatted} macro.
Default: ,
Name: yaxisLabelsFormattedUnitsPre
When using formatted labels these are the units that are prepended to the number with the %{value_formatted} macro.
Default: (an empty string)
Name: yaxisLabelsFormattedUnitsPost
When using formatted labels these are the units that are appended to the number with the %{value_formatted} macro.
Default: (an empty string)
Other label properties
Name: textColor
The color of the text.
Default: black
Name: textFont
The font used for text.
Default: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif
Name: textSize
The size of the text.
Default: 12
Name: textBold
Whether the text is bold or not.
Default: false
Name: textItalic
Whether the text is italic or not.
Default: false
Name: textLinkColor
The color of hyperlinked text on your chart. By default this is blue like standard links.
Default: blue
Name: textLinkFont
The font used by hyperlinked text on your chart.
Default: null
Name: textLinkSize
The size of hyperlinked text on your chart.
Default: null
Name: textLinkBold
Whether hyperlinked text on your chart is bold or not.
Default: null
Name: textLinkItalic
Whether hyperlinked text on your chart is italic or not.
The decimal point character to use for the labelsAbove labels.
Default: null
Name: labelsAboveThousand
The thousand separator character to use for the labelsAbove labels.
Default: null
Name: labelsAboveDecimals
The number of decimals to use for the labelsAbove labels.
Default: 0
Name: labelsAbovePre
A string to prepend to the labelsAbove labels.
Default: null
Name: labelsAbovePost
A string to append to the labelsAbove labels.
Default: null
Name: labelsAboveFormatter
A function that handles ALL of the formatting of the number. The function is passed two arguments - the object and the unformatted number.
Default: null
Name: labelsAboveOffsetx
The horizontal offset of the labelsAbove labels.
Default: 0
Name: labelsAboveOffsety
The vertical offset of the labelsAbove labels.
Default: 0
Name: labelsAboveFont
The font of the labelsAbove labels.
Default: null
Name: labelsAboveSize
The size of the labelsAbove labels.
Default: null
Name: labelsAboveBold
Whether the labelsAbove labels are bold or not.
Default: null
Name: labelsAboveItalic
Whether the labelsAbove labels are italic or not.
Default: null
Name: labelsAboveColor
The color of the labelsAbove labels.
Default: null
Name: labelsAboveBackground
The background color of the labelsAbove labels.
Default: null
Name: labelsAboveBackgroundPadding
The padding of the labelsAbove labels.
Default: 0
Name: labelsAboveSpecific
This property allows you to make the labelsAbove labels specific strings.
Default: null
Key properties
Name: key
An array of the labels that appear on the key.
Default: null
Name: keyColors
An array of colors to be shown on the key. If not specified then the colors option will be used instead.
Default: null
Name: keyLabelsColor
The color of the text in the key.
Default: null
Name: keyLabelsBold
Whether the key text is bold or not.
Default: null
Name: keyLabelsFont
The font to use for the key text. If not specified it defaults to the textFont setting.
Default: null
Name: keyLabelsSize
The size to use for the key text. If not specified then the textSize is used.
Default: null
Name: ketLabelsItalic
Whether the key text is italic or not.
Default: null
Name: keyLabelsOffsetx
The horizontal pixel offset of the key text (just the text).
Default: 0
Name: keyLabelsOffsety
The vertical pixel offset of the key text (just the text).
Default: -1
Name: keyOffsetx
The horizontal pixel offset of the entire key.
Default: 0
Name: keyOffsety
The horizontal pixel offset of the entire key.
Default: 0
Name: keyColorShape
This controls which shape should be displayed on the key. It can be a string or an array of strings. The possible options are: rect, circle, triangle, line, dot, rectdot
Default: rect
Tooltip properties
Name: tooltips
An array of tooltips for the chart. This array should NOT be multidimensional - even for stacked or grouped charts. You can also check the canvas tooltips documentation for more information.
Default: null
Name: tooltipsOverride
This can be a function that handles the tooltip showing instead of the default RGraph tooltips. It should look like this:
tooltipsOverride: function (obj, opt)
// Show tooltip
The opt is an argument that contains these items:
object The chart object.
index The index of the element (that triggered the tooltip).
sequentialIndex The sequential index of the element that was clicked.
text The text to be used as the tooltip. Remember that this may contain html (or whatever else you may have specified).
event The event object (either a click or mousemove event).
Default: null
Name: tooltipsEvent
The event used for tooltips (either click or mousemove.
Default: click
Name: tooltipsPersistent
If you want the tooltips to persist after a click (ie they don't disappear) then you can set this property to true to get this behaviour. Keep in mind that if you have a lot of bars/segments/points/etc then it's possible for the chart to become quite crowded. If you need to subsequently clear all of the tooltips there's an api function available to do that for you and it's called: RGraph.SVG.tooltip.persistent.clear() If you want to access any (or all) of the tooltip div tags then you can do so using the RGraph.SVG.tooltip.persistent object. This option works when you have the tooltipsEvent property set to mousemove
Default: false
Name: tooltipsFormattedPoint
When using formatted tooltip strings this is used as the point when using the %{value_formatted} option.
Default: .
Name: tooltipsFormattedThousand
When using formatted tooltip strings this is used as the thousand separator when using the %{value_formatted} option.
Default: ,
Name: tooltipsFormattedDecimals
When using formatted tooltip strings this specifies the number of decimals when using the %{value_formatted} option.
Default: 0
Name: tooltipsFormattedUnitsPre
When using formatted tooltip strings these units are prepended to the number when using the %{value_formatted} option.
Default: (an empty string)
Name: tooltipsFormattedUnitsPost
When using formatted tooltip strings these units are appended to the number when using the %{value_formatted} option.
Default: (an empty string)
Name: tooltipsFormattedKeyLabels
The labels that are used in the formatted tooltip key.
Default: [] (an empty array)
Name: tooltipsFormattedKeyColors
The colors that are used in the formatted tooltip key. Normally these are automatically taken from the colors on the chart but can be specified differently using this property.
Default: null
Name: tooltipsFormattedKeyColorsShape
This is the shape that's used in the tooltip key. It can be square or circle
Default: square
Name: tooltipsFormattedKeyColorsCss
By using this property you can add css values to the key color shape that appears in the tooltip key. Note the property name is "color" and not "colors" like previous properties. It should be an object of css properties like this:
With this property you can switch between an unordered list (the default) and an ordered list. Possible values are ul and ol.
Default: ul
Name: tooltipsFormattedListItems
This should be a two-dimension array of the list items that are to be shown for all of the tooltips. An example of this property is:
tooltipsFormattedListItems: [
['Bill','Jerry','Berty'], // First tooltip
['Gill','Carrie','Lucy'], // Second tooltip
['Pob','Nobby','Hilda'] // Third tooltip
You can use css to style this list - for example:
.RGraph_tooltip ul#rgraph_formatted_tooltips_list li {
text-align: left;
color: yellow;
Default: null
Name: tooltipsFormattedTableHeaders
When showing a table in the tooltips this can be an array of headers for the table. These are added to the tooltip using th tags.
Default: null
Name: tooltipsFormattedTableData
This is the data that is added to the table. This is a 3-dimensional array so it's easy to make a mistake. See the example in the canvas documentation, copy the code from it and then modify it suit. You'll create fewer bugs this way.
Default: null)
Name: tooltipsPointer
By default the tooltips have a small triangular pointer that points to the shape that was clicked on. You can turn this off with this property.
Default: true
Name: tooltipsPointerCss
If you want any css values applied to the tooltips pointer (a css border, for example) then specify an object containing those values to this property. For example:
This allows you to adjust the horizontal position of the tooltips pointer.
Default: 0
Name: tooltipsPointerOffsety
This allows you to adjust the vertical position of the tooltips pointer.
Default: 0
Name: tooltipsPositionStatic
The new default (as of August 2020) is for tooltips to be positioned statically and not be dependent on the mouse position. If you don't want this for whatever reason, you can disable it with this setting. When you set it to false tooltips are positioned next to the mouse pointer.
Default: true
Name: tooltipsCss
If you want to specify some css that gets applied to all of the tooltips, but don't want to use the RGraph.SVG.tooltips.style object (which gets applied to all of the tooltips on the page for every chart) you can use this property to give some per-objectcss for the tooltips. These are css styles that get applied to all of the tooltips for the specific object only. It should look like this:
This property allows you to shift the tooltips left or right.
Default: 0
Name: tooltipsOffsety
This property allows you to shift the tooltips up or down.
Default: 0
Name: highlightStroke
The stroke color that's used when highlighting the chart.
Default: rgba(0,0,0,0)
Name: highlightFill
The fill color that's used when highlighting the chart.
Default: rgba(255,255,255,0.7)
Name: highlightLinewidth
The linewidth that's used when highlighting the chart.
Default: 1
Shadow properties
Name: shadow
Whether a drop shadow is applied to the lines.
Default: false
Name: shadowOffsetx
The horizontal offset of the shadow.
Default: 2
Name: shadowOffsety
The vertical offset of the shadow.
Default: 2
Name: shadowBlur
The extent of the blurring effect that's applied to the shadow.
Default: 2
Name: shadowColor
The color of the shadow.
Default: rgba(0,0,0,0.25)
Title properties
Name: title
The title of the chart.
Default: (An empty string)
Name: titleX
The specific x-axis coordinate of the title. This can also be a string that looks like this: "+10" or "-10" in which case it's added to the calculated position.
Default: null
Name: titleY
The specific y-axis coordinate of the title. This can also be a string that looks like this: "+10" or "-10" in which case it's added to the calculated position.
Default: null
Name: titleOffsetx
An offset value that is added to the calculated X coordinate.
Default: 0
Name: titleOffsety
An offset value that is added to the calculated Y coordinate.
Default: 0
Name: titleHalign
The horizontal alignment of the title.
Default: center
Name: titleColor
The color of the title.
Default: null
Name: titleFont
The font used to render the title.
Default: null
Name: titleSize
The size of the font used to render the title.
Default: null
Name: titleBold
Whether the title is bold or not.
Default: null
Name: titleItalic
Whether the title is italic or not.
Default: null
Name: titleSubtitle
The subtitle of the chart. If a subtitle is specified the title is moved up to accommodate it. As such you might need to give a larger marginTop value.
Default: (An empty string)
Name: titleSubtitleColor
The color of the subtitle.
Default: #aaa
Name: titleSubtitleFont
The font used to render the subtitle.
Default: null
Name: titleSubtitleSize
The size of the font used to render the subtitle.
Default: null
Name: titleSubtitleBold
Whether the subtitle is bold or not.
Default: null
Name: titleSubtitleItalic
Whether the subtitle is italic or not.
Default: null
Other properties
Name: linewidth
The linewidth (around the bars) used. Remember to set the colorsStroke setting to something other than transparent (the default).
Default: 1
Name: grouping
Whether to show a grouped or stacked Bipolar chart. It can be stacked or grouped.
Default: grouped
Name: responsive
This option is new to the July 2023 release (v6.13) and allows you to inline the responsive configuration instead of appending it on to the end of the object it as a function. The documentation and demo pages have been updated to use this new option. You can read more about the responsive feature by reading the responsive configuration page.
Default: null
Name: zoom
Allow zooming of the chart. The svg zoom feature, added in version 6.19, allows you to zoom in on a certain area of your chart and then pan around by dragging the zoom. You can also increase or decrease the zoom level by using your mousewheel if you have one. You can read a documentation page about the SVG zoom feature here.
Default: false
This can be used to get properties if necessary. It's normally used
after the chart is drawn if you need to get parameters (if you're
doing custom coding for example).
obj.set(name, value)
This can be used to set properties if necessary. It's normally used
after the chart is drawn if you need to set additional parameters
or change them.
This returns the width that represents the given value. It does not give you a start
or end point - just the width.
This returns the left-hand-side x-axis coordinate for a given value. The left
x-axis coordinate can be retrieved by doing this:
This function adds an event listener (such as beforedraw or
draw) to the chart object. For example:
obj.on('draw', function (obj)
// Put your code here
This function can be used to execute a function (immediately). It's not event-based
(ie it doesn't run when something happens) - it just runs immediately - and only once.
You might use it when you need to get something from the chart when it's drawn and
then call the redraw function. Because this function only runs once the RGraph.SVG.redraw
function would not cause a loop - which would happen if you used the draw event.
obj.exec(function (obj)
// Put your code here
The responsive function helps your charts
respond to different browser window sizes and screen
resolutions. For example, for smaller screens, you
might want to have angled labels or show shorter
versions of them completely.
There is now the responsive configuration option available to you
and this is now the preferred method of configuration.
The svgrect elements that represent the bars on the Bipolar chart have
various data attributes added to them that hold various bits of information. These
data-subindex (only used in grouped or stacked charts)
These can be retrieved by using standard dom methods: