10 example charts
Written by Richard Heyes, RGraph author, on 5th June 2017- Bar chart
- Line chart
- Pie chart
- Radar chart
- Rose chart
- Donut chart
- Horizontal Bar chart
- Grouped Bar chart
- Mixed Bar & Line chart
- Bubble chart
- Where to go from here?
RGraph is a powerful library - it has a lot of features that are available to you
as a result of its many years of existence (it was
started in 2008). As I'll show below, it's not, however,
difficult to get up and running with some basic charts and then
add more customization from there. There's not a lot that can go wrong
when you start out - especially when you have the hundreds of demos that are
available to you in the download archive.
Below you'll find 10 examples of svg
charts - and as mentioned there are
more in the download archive
but if it's canvas
examples that you want, you'll find lots more in the demos folder
in the download archive. I've set them up using colors and data etc so you should find it easy
to incorporate them into your own pages. If you want to customise them further
(I'd imagine you will!) simply use
the documentation.
So let's begin...
What you need to do first is include the RGraph svg
<script src="/js/RGraph.svg.common.core.js"></script>
<script src="/js/RGraph.svg.common.tooltips.js"></script>
<script src="/js/RGraph.svg.bar.js"></script>
<script src="/js/RGraph.svg.line.js"></script>
<script src="/js/RGraph.svg.pie.js"></script>
<!-- Add more libraries as necessary -->
And then you need to add the div
tag that determines where the chart will
show up:
<div style="width: 650px; height: 300px; display: inline-block" id="chart-container"><div>
And then it's just a matter of defining the code that crates the chart. The examples of each chart are below.
Bar chart
To create a Bar chart
you need to include the
core and Bar chart
and the tooltips library too if required. For
Horizontal Bar charts
an example below. The style of the tooltips is mostly left
as the default
except that the text is bolded. This is done using the
property. Here's the chart and
the code that produces it:
<script> new RGraph.SVG.Bar({ id: 'chart-container', data: [13,56,16,15,12], options: { colorsSequential: true, colors: ["#3e95cd", "#8e5ea2","#3cba9f","#e8c3b9","#c45850"], tooltips: '%{property:xaxisLabels[%{dataset}]}: %{value}%{property:yaxisScaleUnitsPost}', tooltipsCss: { fontWeight: 'bold' }, xaxisLabels: ["Africa", "Asia", "Europe", "Latin America", "North America"], xaxisColor: '#aaa', yaxisColor: '#aaa', yaxisLabelsCount: 11, yaxisScaleUnitsPost: 'm', marginLeft: 45, textSize: 9, marginInner: 25 } }).draw(); </script>
Line chart
You can create a Line chart
as the code here shows by including the Line chart
library instead of the Bar chart
library. By default, the lines are
not filled - but you can change this by using the filled
(set it to true
). These fills can be both semi-transparent (set
the correct colors) or they can be stacked on top of each other (using the
<script> names = ["Africa", "Asia", "Europe", "Latin America", "North America"]; new RGraph.SVG.Line({ id: 'chart-container', data: [ [1,2,4,8,16], [8,6,5,2,4], [4,9,5,6,3], [1,2,5,9,6], [4,8,5,5,5] ], options: { spline: true, linewidth: 3, tickmarksStyle: 'filledcircle', colors: ["#3e95cd", "#8e5ea2","#3cba9f","#e8c3b9","#c45850"], tooltips: '%{key}', tooltipsFormattedKeyLabels: names, tooltipsFormattedUnitsPost: ',000', tooltipsCss: { fontWeight: 'bold', textAlign: 'left' }, xaxisLabels: ['1960','1970','1980','1990','2000'], key: names, keyTextSize:12, xaxisColor: '#aaa', yaxisColor: '#aaa', yaxisLabelsCount: 10, yaxisScaleUnitsPost: 'k', marginLeft: 45, textSize: 9 } }).draw(); </script>
Pie chart
Pie charts
are created with the Pie chart
library. They only show one
dataset, but they can show tooltips which can hold more information. In
addition it could be said that comparing two segments that aren't
positioned next to each other can be tricky - particularly if the difference
is subtle.
<script> new RGraph.SVG.Pie({ id: 'chart-container', data: [24,52,7,7,4], options: { linewidth: 3, colorsStroke: 'white', colors: ["#3e95cd", "#8e5ea2","#3cba9f","#e8c3b9","#c45850"], tooltips: '%{prop:key[%{index}]}: %{value}', tooltipsCss: { fontWeight: 'bold' }, key: ["Africa", "Asia", "Europe", "Latin America", "North America"], textSize: 10, marginTop: 50, title: 'A Pie chart showing some figures!', titleItalic: true, titleY: 22 } }).draw(); </script>
Radar chart
Radar charts
, also known by a variety of other names (eg Spider graph, Web
charts) can be created with the Radar chart
library. Bigger charts might be
visually more appealing, but it's your choice of course!
<script> new RGraph.SVG.Radar({ id: 'chart-container', data: [ [4,8,6,9,4,5,6,8,7,9], [5,4,8,9,9,8,6,3,5,4] ], options: { tickmarksStyle: 'none', linewidth: 3, filled: true, filledAccumulative: false } }).draw(); </script>
Rose chart
The Rose chart
can sometimes also be called a Polar area chart. They're
similar to Pie charts
but the angle size is fixed (by default) and the
radius of each segment changes. They can be stacked to represent multiple
values and/or the angle size of each segment
can be made to be variable by using the variant
property (only the canvas
version of the
Rose chart
supports this variant).
<script> new RGraph.SVG.Rose({ id: 'chart-container', data: [5,8,6,4,3,5,6], options: { colorsSequential: true, exploded: 2, backgroundGridRadialsCount: 0, tooltips: ['Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday'] } }).draw(); </script>
Donut chart
Donut charts
are, unsurprisingly, drawn using the Pie chart
and by
setting the donut
property to true
. Other than this they're
much the same as Pie charts
<script> new RGraph.SVG.Pie({ id: 'chart-container', data: [4,8,6,3,5,9,9], options: { donut: true, shadow: true, tooltips: ['Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday'], tooltipsCss: { fontSize: '20pt' } } }).draw(); </script>
Horizontal Bar chart
A Horizontal Bar chart
is made using the
Horizontal Bar chart
library. It can be regular, stacked or grouped just like
regular Bar charts
and, of course support
tooltips, making use
of the tooltips library. These charts can fit well when
you want a bar style chart but have limited horizontal space.
<script> new RGraph.SVG.HBar({ id: 'chart-container', data: [4,8,6,3,5,8,9], options: { backgroundGridVlines: false, backgroundGridBorder: false, colorsSequential: true, tooltips: '%{prop:yaxisLabels[%{dataset}]}s results: %{value} widgets sold', tooltipsCss: { fontWeight: 'bold' }, yaxisLabels: ['Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday'], yaxisColor: '#ccc', xaxisColor: '#ccc', colors: ["#3e95cd", "#8e5ea2","#3cba9f","#e8c3b9","#c45850","#3e95cd", "#8e5ea2"], marginInner: 10, title: 'Daily totals of widgets sold', textSize: 16, titleBold: true, titleItalic: true } }).draw(); </script>
Grouped Bar chart
A variant of the Bar chart
- the data is formatted slightly differently to
regular Bar charts
(multi-dimensional array versus regular flat array).
Other than the data formatting the code for the Bar chart
is the same. The
colors are used on a "per-group" basis but you can change this with the
<script> new RGraph.SVG.Bar({ id: 'chart-container', data: [[420,310],[510,270],[520,550],[545,2478]], options: { marginLeft: 65, marginTop: 75, marginInner: 25, colors: ["#3e95cd", "#8e5ea2"], tooltips: 'Revenue: $%{value}', tooltipsCss: { fontWeight: 'bold' }, yaxisScaleUnitsPre: '$', xaxisLabels: ['2020','2030','2040','2050'], title: 'Projected revenue', titleSubtitle: 'From the sale of widgets on the market sales', key: ['Frankie','Bruno'], xaxisColor: '#aaa', xaxisTickmarks: 0, yaxisColor: '#aaa', yaxisTickmarks: 0 } }).draw(); </script>
Mixed Bar & Line chart
Mixed Bar charts
and Line charts
are a common combination chart
that you'll frequently see in use. This one is using a
grouped Bar chart
along with multiple lines (but only
one Line chart
object). Both the bar and Line chart
have tooltips enabled. The Bar chart
has its axes disabled
and the Line chart
axes are colored to blend in to the
background grid.
<script> new RGraph.SVG.Bar({ id: 'chart-container', data: [[420,310],[510,270],[520,550],[545,2478]], options: { marginLeft: 65, marginInner: 25, colors: ["#eee","#eee"], tooltips: 'Revenue: %{prop:yaxisScaleUnitsPre}%{value}', tooltipsCss: { fontWeight: 'bold' }, yaxisScaleUnitsPre: '$', title: 'Widgets sold throughout the early 21st century', titleBold: true, xaxisColor: '#aaa', xaxisTickmarks: 0, yaxisColor: '#aaa', yaxisTickmarks: 0 } }).draw(); new RGraph.SVG.Line({ id: 'chart-container', data: [ [1,2,4,8], [8,6,5,2] ], options: { marginLeft: 65, backgroundGrid: false, spline: true, linewidth: 3, tickmarksStyle: 'filledcircle', tickmarksSize: 7, colors: ["#3e95cd", "#8e5ea2","#3cba9f","#e8c3b9","#c45850"], xaxisLabels: ['2020','2030','2040','2050'], tooltips: '%{property:xaxisLabels[%{index}]}', tooltipsCss: { fontWeight: 'bold' }, yaxis: false, yaxisScale: false, xaxis: false, marginInner: 70 } }).draw(); </script>
Bubble chart
And finally - the Bubble chart
(which is actually a variation on the Scatter chart
Bubble charts
can be used to visualise three bits of data - the x-axis
the y-axis
value, and the size of the bubble. If you only have two bits of data you
would probably be better off with a regular Scatter chart
You can see the format of the data that you should pass - it's an array of
datasets and each dataset is an array of objects - and those objects
represent each point. In this object, you can configure the x/y/z values, the
tooltip (if required) and the color.
<script> dataset = [ {x: 30, y: 5, z: 10, color: 'black'}, {x: 60, y: 8, z: 8, color: 'red'}, {x: 90, y: 2, z: 3, color: 'red'}, {x: 120, y: 5, z: 5, color: 'black'}, {x: 150, y: 3, z: 6, color: 'black'}, {x: 180, y: 8, z: 1, color: 'red'}, {x: 210, y: 9, z: 2, color: 'black'}, {x: 240, y: 4, z: 8, color: 'red'} ]; new RGraph.SVG.Scatter({ id: 'chart-container', data: [dataset], options: { marginTop: 55, xaxisScaleMax: 365, xaxisLabels: ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'], bubble: true, bubbleMaxValue: 10, bubbleMaxRadius: 50, bubbleColorsSolid: false, backgroundGridVlines: false, backgroundGridBorder: false, yaxis: false, xaxis: false, colors: ['blue', 'red'], title: 'A Bubble chart', key: ['Frankie','Johnnie'], keyColors: ['Red','black'] } }).draw(); </script>
Where to go from here?
So now you have 10 examples of charts that you can take and perhaps use in your own pages. Oh and don't forget the hundreds of examples that are bundled with RGraph that you can use too!
These examples use the svg
libraries - so don't forget
that there are an awful
lot of canvas
demos that are available too.