.net Powerful JavaScript charts
RGraph is a JavaScript charts library based on HTML5 SVG and canvas. RGraph is mature (over 15 years old) and has a wealth of features making it an ideal choice to use for showing charts on your website.

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Get the latest version of RGraph (version 6.18, 1st June 2024) from the download page. You can read the changelog here. There's also older versions available, minified files and links to hosted libraries.

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RGraph can be used for free under the GPL or if that doesn't suit your situation there's an inexpensive (£129) commercial license available.

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Version 6.16 of RGraph is now available

Written by Richard Heyes, RGraph author, on 10th January 2024

The latest version of RGraph - version 6.16 - is now available to download from the download page. Here's what's new in this release. There's only a few changes in this release - the main change being an update to the RGraph license.

  • The RGraph property names are now case-insensitive so you can give them in any case that you wish eg marginLeft, marginleft, MARGINLEFT, mArGiNlEfT (!).
  • Fixed a bug with spline Vertical Line charts where they weren't drawing the last little section of the Line.
  • The RGraph license has been updated. From version 6.16 onwards RGraph will be dual licensed GPLv2 and an inexpensive commercial license that you can use if you don't want to be subject to the GPLv2. You can read more about RGraph licensing on the license page. This release is focused mainly on this license change - you can see prior release notes via the past release notes section

You can get hold of RGraph on the download page.