Examples of infographic charts
Written by Richard Heyes, RGraph author, on 22nd July 2020- Customised Bar chart
- Customised Rose charts
- Another customised Bar chart
- Customised Donut chart
- More custom Donut charts
- A Bar chart using a pattern fill
- Simple Thermometer charts
Customised Bar chart
The first chart that we have is a grouped Bar chart
where the standard rect
function has been redefined so that the normal rectangle is drawn with rounded corners at the
Now you don't have to redefine anything as there's a
option for the Bar chart
There are actually two Bar charts
drawn here - one for the faint dark coloured bars at the back
and then one for the main pink and blue Bar chart
. The custom A and B labels are added using
the RGraph.text
<div style="text-align:center"> <div style="background-color: black; display: inline-block"> <canvas id="cvs_bar_customised" width="650" height="300"></canvas> </div> </div> <script> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This updated fillRect function can go in a library file if you wish. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// window.roundedCorners = 15; // // This adds a roundedRect(x, y, width, height, radius) function to the drawing context. // The radius argument dictates by how much the corners are rounded. // // @param number x The X coordinate // @param number y The Y coordinate // @param number width The width of the rectangle // @param number height The height of the rectangle // @param number radius The radius of the corners. Bigger values mean more rounded corners // CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillRect = function (x, y, width, height) { this.beginPath(); var radius = window.roundedCorners; // Because the function is added to the context prototype // the 'this' variable is actually the context // Save the existing state of the canvas so that it can be restored later this.save(); // Translate to the given X/Y coordinates this.translate(x, y); // Move to the center of the top horizontal line this.moveTo(width / 2,0); // Draw the rounded corners. The connecting lines in between them are drawn automatically this.arcTo(width,0,width,height, Math.min(height / 2, radius)); this.arcTo(width, height, 0, height, Math.min(width / 2, 0)); this.arcTo(0, height, 0, 0, Math.min(height / 2, 0)); this.arcTo(0, 0, radius, 0, Math.min(width / 2, radius)); // Draw a line back to the start coordinates this.lineTo(width / 2,0); // Restore the state of the canvas to as it was before the save() this.restore(); this.fill(); }; ////////////////////////////////////////// // End of the updated fillRect function // ////////////////////////////////////////// // This Bar chart is the faint background bars that are darkened. It's drawn first so that it // appears at the back of the other chart. bar1 = new RGraph.Bar({ id: 'cvs_bar_customised', data: [[79,68],[82,72],[59,78],[65,79]], options: { yaxisScaleMax: 100, marginInner: 25, marginInnerGrouped: 5, backgroundGrid: false, colors: ['#53245B'], axesColor: '#AB86B1', xaxisColor: '#AB86B1', yaxisColor: '#AB86B1', xaxisTickmarksCount: 0, yaxisTickmarksCount: 0, yaxisLabelsColor: '#B57FBD', yaxisLabelsSize: 10, xaxisLabelsSize: 14, xaxisLabelsBold: true, xaxisLabels: ['Dave','Alan','Harry','Joe'], xaxisLabelsColor: '#B57FBD' } }).draw(); // This is the main chart that's pink and blue bar2 = new RGraph.Bar({ id: 'cvs_bar_customised', data: [[59,55],[48,52],[45,59],[59,58]], options: { yaxisScaleMax: 100, marginInner: 25, marginInnerGrouped: 5, backgroundGrid: false, colors: [ 'Gradient(#2892FF:#39A3FF)', 'Gradient(#FF4AD5:#FF7FF8)' ], xaxis: false, yaxis: false } }).draw(); // Add the A and B labels at the bottom of the Bars. This is a simple "for" loop that // goes through the coordinates for the Bar chart and uses them together with the // RGraph.text() API function to add the text. for (var i=0; i<bar1.coords.length; ++i) { RGraph.text({ object: bar1, x: bar1.coords[i][0] + (bar1.coords[i][2] / 2), y: bar1.coords[i][1] + bar1.coords[i][3], text: i % 2 === 0 ? 'A' : 'B', color: 'white', bold: true, halign: 'center', accessible: false }); } </script>
Customised Rose charts
Here's a set of two Rose charts
that have had circles drawn in the center and then text
added to those holes. Both of the charts have keys and the color of the stroke matches
the background so it gives the effect of segment separation.
<div style="background-color: #390148; text-align: center"> <canvas id="cvs_rose1" width="400" height="300"></canvas> <canvas id="cvs_rose2" width="400" height="300"></canvas> </div> <script> // // Draw the blue Rose chart. This is a normal (albeit a non-equi-angular) Rose chart. // rose1 = new RGraph.Rose({ id: 'cvs_rose1', data: [[5,5],[8,5],[6,7],[5,2],[6,3],[7,5],[8,7],[5,4],[7,3],[8,3],[6,7]], options: { variant: 'non-equi-angular', margin: 0, scale: false, backgroundGridColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', colors: ['white','#66f','#aaf','blue','#90BCD0','white','#66f','#aaf','blue','#90BCD0','#aaf'], colorsSequential: true, colorsStroke: '#3D0149', linewidth: 2, labelsAxes: '', marginLeft:0, marginRight:0, marginTop:0, marginBottom:0, key: ['Lorem','Ipsum','Delore','Byzan','Corem','Desis','Hool','Pinco','Sysum','Zizzi','Elsy'], keyBackground: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', keyLabelsColor: 'white', keyColorShape: 'circle', keyPositionY: 50, keyLinewidth: 0.01 } }).draw(); // Use the path() function to draw a circle at the center X/Y coordinates using // the same color as the background. This makes it look like the Rose chart has a big // hole in the center. rose1.path( 'b a % % 40 0 6.29, false f #390148', rose1.centerx, rose1.centery ); // Use the RGraph.text() API function to add some text at the center of the chart. RGraph.text({ object: rose1, x: rose1.centerx, y: rose1.centery, text: 'A', size: 30, color: '#aaa', valign: 'center', halign: 'center', accessible: false }); // // Draw the yellow Rose chart. This Rose chart is much the same as the prior Rose // chart albeit with different data and colors. rose2 = new RGraph.Rose({ id: 'cvs_rose2', data: [[5,2],[8,3],[6,8],[5,5],[6,4],[7,9],[8,9],[5,6],[7,7],[8,6],[6,5]], options: { variant: 'non-equi-angular', margin: 0, scale: false, backgroundGridColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', colors: ['red','brown','#f0f','#a00','orange','yellow','brown','#f0f','#a00','pink','#faf'], colorsSequential: true, colorsStroke: '#3D0149', linewidth: 2, labelsAxes: '', marginLeft:0, marginRight:0, marginTop:0, marginBottom:0, key: ['Lorem','Ipsum','Delore','Byzan','Corem','Desis','Hool','Pinco','Sysum','Zizzi','Elsy'], keyBackground: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', keyLabelsColor: 'white', keyColorShape: 'circle', keyPositionY: 50, keyBorderColor:'white', keyLinewidth: 0.01 } }).on('draw', function (obj) { // This time use the draw event to make the big hole at the center. If you use dynamic // features (eg tooltips) you'll need to do this so that the hole at the center gets redrawn // along with the chart. obj.path( 'b a % % 40 0 6.29, false f #390148', obj.centerx, obj.centery ); }).draw(); // Again, draw some text at the center of the Rose chart. RGraph.text({ object: rose2, x: rose2.centerx, y: rose2.centery, text: 'B', size: 30, color: '#aaa', valign: 'center', halign: 'center', accessible: false }); </script>
Another customised Bar chart
This is another customised Bar chart
that instead of Bars uses custom draw
event code to draw lines in their place.
There's a demo in the download archive that has the
un-customised Bar chart
version of this "over and under" Bar chart
. This one however has
had its colors set to transparent and then the coordinates are used to draw lines to
represent the Bars.
<div style="background-color: #390148; text-align: center"> <canvas id="cvs_bar_customised2" width="600" height="300"></canvas> </div> <script> new RGraph.Bar({ id: 'cvs_bar_customised2', data: [6,5,5,8,5,8,9,5,6,8,5,8], options: { key: ['Profits', 'Investments'], keyBackground: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', keyPosition: 'margin', keyColors: ['orange','red'], keyLabelsOffsety: 2, keyLabelsBold: true, colors: ['rgba(0,0,0,0)'], xaxisPosition: 'center', marginInnerGrouped: 5, backgroundGrid: false, axesColor: '#AB86B1', xaxisColor: '#AB86B1', yaxisColor: '#AB86B1', xaxisTickmarksCount: 0, yaxisTickmarksCount: 0, yaxisLabelsSize: 10, xaxisLabelsSize: 14, xaxisLabelsBold: true, xaxisLabels: ['Dave','Alan','Harry','Joe'], textColor: '#999' } }).on('draw', function (obj) { // This draw event code utilises the RGraph path function to draw the vertical // lines that you see on the chart instead of the Bars. The color of the Bars // is set to transparent so you only see the lines. This code only draws half of the // coordinates - the other half is drawn by the other chart. for (var i=0; i<obj.coords.length; ++i) { obj.path( 'lw 5 lc round b m % % l % % s orange', obj.coords[i][0] + (obj.coords[i][2] / 2), obj.coords[i][1], obj.coords[i][0] + (obj.coords[i][2] / 2), obj.coords[i][1] + obj.coords[i][3] - 10 ); } }).draw(); new RGraph.Bar({ id: 'cvs_bar_customised2', data: [-4,-2,-8,-5,-9,-5,-6,-5,-4,-2,-9,-7], options: { colors: ['transparent'], xaxisPosition: 'center', marginInnerGrouped: 5, backgroundGrid: false, axesColor: '#AB86B1', xaxisColor: '#AB86B1', yaxisColor: '#AB86B1', xaxisTickmarksCount: 0, yaxisTickmarksCount: 0, yaxisScaleColor: 'white', yaxisLabelsSize: 10, xaxisLabelsSize: 14, xaxisLabelsBold: true, xaxisLabels: ['Dave','Alan','Harry','Joe'], textColor: '#999' } }).draw().on('draw', function (obj) { // This draw event code utilises the RGraph path function to draw the vertical // lines that you see on the chart instead of the Bars. The color of the Bars // is set to transparent so you only see the lines. This code only draws half of the // coordinates - the other half is drawn by the other chart. for (var i=0; i<obj.coords.length; ++i) { obj.path( 'lw 5 lc round b m % % l % % s red', obj.coords[i][0] + (obj.coords[i][2] / 2), obj.coords[i][1] + 10, obj.coords[i][0] + (obj.coords[i][2] / 2), obj.coords[i][1] + obj.coords[i][3] ); } }).draw(); </script>
Customised Donut chart
This Donut chart
has simple customisations to it that give it a segmented appearance
and as well as that some text is added to the center of the chart using the
function. The draw
event is not being used here
because there aren't any charts on the page using dynamic features (eg tooltips or adjusting)
so the chart isn't being redrawn.
<div style="text-align: center"> <canvas id="cvs_customised_donut" width="400" height="400"></canvas> </div> <script> // Draw the Pie chart using the number one as each data piece (of which there are twelve). // This means that each segment will be equal in size and also there are twelve colors - one for // each segment. pie = new RGraph.Pie({ id:'cvs_customised_donut', data: [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1], options: { colors: [ '#dd0','#dd0','#dd0','#dd0','#dd0','#dd0', 'red','red','red','red','red','#dd0' ], colorsStroke: 'white', variant: 'donut', variantDonutWidth: 25, shadow: false } }).draw(); // Use the RGraph.text() API function to add the text in the center of the Pie chart RGraph.text({ object: pie, x: pie.centerx, y: pie.centery, text: '42%', halign: 'center', valign: 'center', size: 75, accessible: false }); </script>
More custom Donut charts
These Meter charts
are simple to produce. They use two Pie chart
objects each with
a slightly different radius and donut width - which gives you the overlap effect. The
text at the center is drawn using the RGraph Drawing api
Text object.
They're all drawn on the same canvas
and use the centerx
property to position them.
<div style="text-align: center"> <canvas id="cvs_customised_donut2" width="300" height="300" style="">[No canvas support]</canvas> <canvas id="cvs_customised_donut3" width="300" height="300" style="">[No canvas support]</canvas> <canvas id="cvs_customised_donut4" width="300" height="300" style="">[No canvas support]</canvas> </div> <script> // This draws the first "Meter" - using one Pie chart for the gray background ring and // a second for the yellow indicator bar. The text indicator in the center is drawn // using the RGraph.text() API function. // This Pie chart becomes the gray background ring pie1 = new RGraph.Pie({ id:'cvs_customised_donut2', data: [1], options: { colors: ['gray'], colorsStroke: 'white', variant: 'donut', variantDonutWidth: 20, shadow: false, linewidth: 0.0001, centerx: 150 } }).draw(); // This Pie chart is the yellow indicator bar pie2 = new RGraph.Pie({ id:'cvs_customised_donut2', data: [63,37], options: { colors: ['#dd0','transparent'], colorsStroke: 'white', variant: 'donut', variantDonutWidth: 45, shadow: false, radius: pie1.radius + 12.5, centerx: 150 } }).draw(); // Add the text to the center of the "Meter" RGraph.text({ object: pie1, x: pie1.centerx, y: pie1.centery, text: '63%', size: 60, halign: 'center', valign: 'center', accessible: false }); // Draw the second red "Meter" As before two Pie charts and the RGraph.text() API function are used. pie3 = new RGraph.Pie({ id:'cvs_customised_donut3', data: [1], options: { colors: ['gray'], colorsStroke: 'white', variant: 'donut', variantDonutWidth: 20, shadow: false, linewidth: 0.0001, centerx: 450 } }).draw(); pie4 = new RGraph.Pie({ id:'cvs_customised_donut3', data: [87,13], options: { colors: ['red','transparent'], colorsStroke: 'white', variant: 'donut', variantDonutWidth: 45, shadow: false, radius: pie3.radius + 12.5, centerx: 450 } }).draw(); RGraph.text({ object: pie3, x: pie3.centerx, y: pie3.centery, text: '87%', size: 60, halign: 'center', valign: 'center', accessible: false }); // And finally draw the third "Meter" using the same technique pie5 = new RGraph.Pie({ id:'cvs_customised_donut4', data: [1], options: { colors: ['gray'], colorsStroke: 'white', variant: 'donut', variantDonutWidth: 20, shadow: false, linewidth: 0.0001, centerx: 750 } }).draw(); pie6 = new RGraph.Pie({ id:'cvs_customised_donut4', data: [47,53], options: { colors: ['blue','transparent'], colorsStroke: 'white', variant: 'donut', variantDonutWidth: 45, shadow: false, radius: pie5.radius + 12.5, centerx: 750 } }).draw(); RGraph.text({ object: pie5, x: pie5.centerx, y: pie5.centery, text: '47%', size: 60, halign: 'center', valign: 'center', accessible: false }); </script>
A Bar chart using a pattern fill
has the ability to use patterns as the fill color. This is done by creating a new
tag using javascript
(but not adding it to the page so you can't see it) and drawing
the desired pattern onto it.
You can use the createPattern
function to use this canvas
as a pattern and
then give that pattern to RGraph as one of the colors.
In the case of this chart two patterns are created - one for each bar - each being a different
<div style="background-color: black; text-align: center"> <canvas id="cvs_bar_pattern" width="600" height="300"></canvas> </div> <script> // Create a canvas (that isn't added to the page) and draw a pattern on it - // this is then used as the color canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = 10; canvas.height = 10; // Create the second canvas onto which the blue pattern will be drawn canvas2 = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas2.width = 10; canvas2.height = 10; // Now get the contexts from the canvas tags that have just been created context = canvas.getContext('2d'); context2 = canvas2.getContext('2d'); // Draw the patterns onto the canvas tags using the RGraph.path() function RGraph.path(context,'b lc square lw 7 m 5 5 l 5 5 s #F80183'); RGraph.path(context2,'b lc square lw 7 m 5 5 l 5 5 s #25BADE'); // Create the Bar chart as normal bar = new RGraph.Bar({ id: 'cvs_bar_pattern', data: [[3,1],[2,4],[5,3],[4,5],[6,3],[6,5],[4,8]], options: { marginBottom: 5, marginInner: 10, xaxis: false, yaxis: false, backgroundGrid: false, colors: ['#F80183','#25BADE'], labelsAbove: true, labelsAboveColor: '#bbb', labelsAboveUnitsPost: '%' } }).draw().on('draw', function (obj) { RGraph.text({ object: obj, x: 350, y: 45, text: '2018', color: '#F80183', size: 20, halign: 'right', accessible: false }); RGraph.text({ object: obj, x: 360, y: 45, text: ' - 2019', color: '#25BADE', size: 20, halign: 'left', accessible: false }); }); // Create the patterns using the canvas tags createPattern() function pattern = bar.context.createPattern(canvas, 'repeat'); pattern2 = bar.context.createPattern(canvas2, 'repeat'); // Set the pattern on the Bar chart as the colors of the bars and redraw the canvas bar.set('colors', [pattern, pattern2]); RGraph.redraw(); </script>
Simple Thermometer charts
Thermometer charts
are essentially a variation of the Vertical Progress Bar
. Though it doesn't
support multiple values like the Vertical Progress bar
Here are a few examples of how it can be configured with a simple two-tone appearance that may
be suited to your site's aesthetic better than a progress bar.
<div style="background-color: black; text-align: center"> <canvas id="cvs_thermometer1" width="100" height="400">[No canvas support]</canvas> <canvas id="cvs_thermometer2" width="100" height="400">[No canvas support]</canvas> <canvas id="cvs_thermometer3" width="100" height="400">[No canvas support]</canvas> <canvas id="cvs_thermometer4" width="100" height="400">[No canvas support]</canvas> <canvas id="cvs_thermometer5" width="100" height="400">[No canvas support]</canvas> </div> <script> // Draw the Thermometer charts. They\'re essentially basic Thermometer charts with a two-tone appearance. // Only a small amount of configuration is required for each. // Draw the Thermometer charts. They're essentially basic Thermometer charts with a two-tone appearance. // Only a small amount of configuration is required for each. new RGraph.Thermometer({ id: 'cvs_thermometer1', min: 0, max: 100, value: 56, options: { colors: ['red'], linewidth: 15, colorsStroke: 'white', shadow: false, labelsValue: false, tickmarksCount: 0, marginLeft: 25, marginRight: 925 } }).draw(); new RGraph.Thermometer({ id: 'cvs_thermometer2', min: 0, max: 100, value: 62, options: { colors: ['blue'], linewidth: 15, colorsStroke: 'white', shadow: false, labelsValue: false, tickmarksCount: 0, marginLeft: 125, marginRight: 825 } }).draw(); new RGraph.Thermometer({ id: 'cvs_thermometer3', min: 0, max: 100, value: 6, options: { colors: ['green'], linewidth: 15, colorsStroke: 'white', shadow: false, labelsValue: false, tickmarksCount: 0, marginLeft: 225, marginRight: 725 } }).draw(); new RGraph.Thermometer({ id: 'cvs_thermometer4', min: 0, max: 100, value: 86, options: { colors: ['purple'], linewidth: 15, colorsStroke: 'white', shadow: false, labelsValue: false, tickmarksCount: 0, marginLeft: 325, marginRight: 625 } }).draw(); new RGraph.Thermometer({ id: 'cvs_thermometer5', min: 0, max: 100, value: 16, options: { colors: ['#aaaaaa'], linewidth: 15, colorsStroke: 'white', shadow: false, labelsValue: false, tickmarksCount: 0, marginLeft: 425, marginRight: 525 } }).draw(); </script>