Version 5.23 of RGraph is now available
Written by Richard Heyes, RGraph author, on 30th April 2020It's been not quite two months since version 5.22 was released so it's about time that I released 5.23 - so that's what I've done!
A notable change is that
you can now use (certain) tooltip substitutions in the tooltipsCss
values as
well as in the
tooltips themselves. This makes it even easier to customise how your tooltips look. So you
could set the css
like this:
... // Some colors used by the chart colors: ['red','green','blue'], // A custom property tooltipBackgroundColors: [ 'rgb(255,239,239)', 'rgb(239,255,239)', 'rgb(239,239,255)' ], // Some CSS values for the tooltips that use substitutions tooltipsCss: { fontSize: '24pt', border: '3px solid %{property:colors[%{dataset}]}', backgroundColor: '%{property:tooltipBackgroundColors[%{dataset}]}' } ...
The Line chart
has had dataset tooltips added. These are
just like regular tooltips but
allow you to click anywhere on a line and get a tooltip.
You can have one for every dataset
that's shown on the chart. This feature uses the newer
function isPointInStroke
so there
are a few really old browsers (Internet
Explorer 11, for example) that don't support this
function or feature.
Various charts have had the highlightStyle
option added.
Using this in conjunction
with the highlightFill
option to specify the color you can have the charts fade
out the
non-selected shapes instead of highlighting the focused bar.
For an example of this, you can see it on this demo page.
Other changes can be seen on the changelog page and you can download the latest version from the download page.