.net Powerful JavaScript charts
RGraph is a JavaScript charts library based on HTML5 SVG and canvas. RGraph is mature (over 15 years old) and has a wealth of features making it an ideal choice to use for showing charts on your website.

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Get the latest version of RGraph (version 6.18, 1st June 2024) from the download page. You can read the changelog here. There's also older versions available, minified files and links to hosted libraries.

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RGraph can be used for free under the GPL or if that doesn't suit your situation there's an inexpensive (£129) commercial license available.

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Horizontal Bar chart API reference


A curved Horizontal Bar chart
    labels = ['Richard','Gulliver','John'];
    data   = [280,45,133];
    // To show a stacked or grouped chart each element of the data array should
    // be an array containing the data to be shown.
    // data = [[120,80,60],[30,12,13],[50,50,33]]

    new RGraph.HBar({
        id: 'cvs',
        data: data,
        options: {
            marginInner: 15,
            backgroundBarsColor1: 'white',
            backgroundBarsColor2: 'white',
            backgroundGrid: true,
            backgroundGridHlines: false,
            backgroundGridBorder: false,
            colors: ['red','green','blue'],
            xaxis: false,
            yaxisLabels: labels,
            yaxisLabelsSize: 26,
            yaxisTickmarksCount: 0,
            yaxisLinewidth: 3,
            tooltips: '<b>Results:</b><br />%{key}',
            tooltipsFormattedKeyLabels: ['Sales','Sales','Sales'],
            tooltipsCss: {
                fontSize: '16pt',
                textAlign: 'left'
            corners: 'round',
            cornersRoundRadius: 50


You can use these properties to control how the chart appears. You can set them by including them in the options section of the configuration as shown above.

Background properties

Name: backgroundBarsCount
The number of background bars.
Default: 5
Name: backgroundBarsColor1
The color of the background bars, (1 of 2).
Default: white
Name: backgroundBarsColor2
The color of the background bars, (2 of 2).
Default: white
Name: backgroundGrid
Whether to show the background grid or not.
Default: true
Name: backgroundGridColor
The color of the background grid.
Default: #ddd
Name: backgroundGridLinewidth
The width that the background grid lines are. Decimals (eg 0.5) are permitted.
Default: 0.5
Name: backgroundGridBorder
Determines whether a border line is drawn around the grid.
Default: true
Name: backgroundGridHlines
Determines whether to draw the horizontal grid lines.
Default: true
Name: backgroundGridVlines
Determines whether to draw the vertical grid lines.
Default: true
Name: backgroundGridVlinesCount
When using autofit this allows you to specify how many vertical gridlines you want.
Default: 20
Name: backgroundGridDotted
If you want to have your background grid dashed then set this to true.
Default: false
Name: backgroundGridDashed
If you want to have your background grid dotted then set this to true. This takes precedence over dashed lines.
Default: false
Name: backgroundGridDashArray
If you want a custom format for the line dash then you can give an array to this property. It should be an array of two or more numbers that specifies the size of dashes and gaps like this: [5, 10]
Default: null
Name: backgroundColor
If you want to have a single background color for your chart you can use this. It doesn't cover the margins. If you want that then you can simply apply a css background color to the canvas tag.
Default: null
Name: backgroundBorder
You can use this property to specify that the chart area has a border around it.
Default: false
Name: backgroundBorderLinewidth
The linewidth of the border that goes around the chart area.
Default: 1
Name: backgroundBorderColor
The color of the border that goes around the chart area.
Default: #aaa
Name: backgroundBorderDashed
Whether the border around the chart area is dashed or not.
Default: false
Name: backgroundBorderDotted
Whether the border around the chart area is dotted or not.
Default: false
Name: backgroundBorderDashArray
If the default dot or dash style is not to your liking you can use this property to specify your own style. It should be an array of two or more elements that specify the dashes and spaces - for example: backgroundBorderDashArray: [5,10],
Default: null

X-axis properties

Name: xaxis
Set this to true if you don't want an x-axis.
Default: true
Name: xaxisPosition
Whether the x-axis is shown at the top or at the bottom of the chart - possible values are top and bottom.
Default: bottom
Name: xaxisLinewidth
The linewidth of the x-axis.
Default: 1
Name: xaxisColor
The color of the x-axis.
Default: black
Name: xaxisTickmarks
Using this property you can turn off the X tickmarks.
Default: true
Name: xaxisTickmarksCount
This allows you to stipulate how many x-axis tickmarks are displayed.
Default: null
Name: xaxisTickmarksLength
Use this to stipulate the length of the x-axis tickmarks.
Default: 3
Name: xaxisTickmarksLastLeft
Whether the last tickmark on the left-hand-side is shown.
Default: null
Name: xaxisTickmarksLastRight
Whether the last tickmark on the right-hand-side is shown.
Default: null
Name: xaxisLabels
If you prefer to use labels on the x-axis instead of a scale then this should be an array of those labels. You can use the xaxisLabelsPosition option to control their positioning.
Default: null
Name: xaxisLabelsCount
This determines how many labels are shown on the scale if it's being used instead of textual labels.
Default: 5
Name: xaxisLabelsAngle
If you want your labels to be at an angle then this is the property to specify it (in degrees). If you use this then you may also need to use the xaxisLabelsOffsety property.
Default:  0
Name: xaxisLabelsPosition
If you use labels instead of a scale this controls the positioning of them.
Default: edge
Name: xaxisLabelsSpecificAlign
This determines the alignment of the specific labels. You probably won't need this.
Default: left
Name: xaxisLabelsOffsetx
This allows you finer-grained control in the horizontal direction over the X label positioning if you need it.
Default:  0
Name: xaxisLabelsOffsety
This allows you finer-grained control in the vertical direction over the X label positioning if you need it.
Default:  0
Name: xaxisLabelsHalign
If desired you can specify the horizontal alignment with this.
Default: null
Name: xaxisLabelsValign
If desired you can specify the vertical alignment with this.
Default: null
Name: xaxisLabelsFont
The font used for the x-axis labels. It defaults to the textFont setting
Default: null
Name: xaxisLabelsSize
The size of the x-axis labels. It defaults to the textSize setting
Default: null
Name: xaxisLabelsBold
Whether the x-axis labels are bold or not
Default: null
Name: xaxisLabelsItalic
Whether the x-axis labels are italic or not
Default: null
Name: xaxisLabelsColor
The color of the x-axis labels. It defaults to the main textColor option
Default: null
Name: xaxisTitle
This allows you to specify a title for the x-axis.
Default: none
Name: xaxisTitleSize
This allows you to specify a size for the x-axis title.
Default: null
Name: xaxisTitleFont
This allows you to specify a font for the x-axis title.
Default: null
Name: xaxisTitleBold
This controls whether the x-axis title is bold or not.
Default: null
Name: xaxisTitleItalic
This controls whether the x-axis title is italic or not.
Default: null
Name: xaxisTitleColor
This controls the color of the x-axis title.
Default: null
Name: xaxisTitlePos
This is multiplied with the margin to give the position of the x-axis title.
Default: 0.25
Name: xaxisTitleX
By giving this you can specifically set the X position of the x-axis title.
Default: null
Name: xaxisTitleY
By giving this you can specifically set the Y position of the x-axis title.
Default: null
Name: xaxisTitleOffsetx
Use this property to adjust the X position of the title.
Default:  0
Name: xaxisTitleOffsety
Use this property to adjust the Y position of the title.
Default:  0
Name: xaxisTitleHalign
Use this property to specify the horizontal alignment of the title.
Default:  0
Name: xaxisTitleValign
Use this property to specify the vertical alignment of the title.
Default:  0
Name: xaxisScale
Whether the scale should be drawn or not.
Default: true
Name: xaxisScaleUnitsPre
The units that the x-axis is measured in. This string is displayed before the actual number, allowing you to specify values such as $50.
Default: none
Name: xaxisScaleUnitsPost
The units that the x-axis is measured in. This string is displayed after the actual number, allowing you to specify values such as 50ms.
Default: none
Name: xaxisScaleDecimals
The number of decimal places to display for the X scale.
Default:  0
Name: xaxisScalePoint
The character that's used as the decimal point.
Default: .
Name: xaxisScaleThousand
The character that's used as the thousand separator.
Default: ,
Name: xaxisScaleRound
Whether to round the maximum scale value up or not. This will produce slightly better scales in some instances.
Default: null
Name: xaxisScaleMax
(Optional) An optional max figure for the X scale.
Default: none (one is calculated)
Name: xaxisScaleMin
An optional minimum figure for the X scale.
Default:  0
Name: xaxisScaleFormatter
This can be a function, which is passed the object and the number and should return a formatted number (formatted as you wish).
function myFormatter(opt)
    var obj = opt.object,
        num = opt.number;

    return num + 'F'; // An example of formatting
Default: null

Y-axis properties

Name: yaxis
Whether the y-axis is drawn.
Default: true
Name: yaxisLinewidth
The linewidth of the y-axis.
Default: 1
Name: yaxisColor
The color of the y-axis.
Default: black
Name: yaxisPosition
Specifies the y-axis position. Can be left or right.
Default: left
Name: yaxisTickmarks.
Whether the y-axis tickmarks are drawn.
Default: true
Name: yaxisTickmarksLength
The length of the y-axis tickmarks.
Default: 3
Name: yaxisTickmarksCount
This allows you to stipulate how many y-axis tickmarks there are.
Default: null (related to how many labels there are)
Name: yaxisTickmarksLastTop
Whether the top-most tickmark is drawn.
Default: null (displayed if the x-axis position warrants it)
Name: yaxisTickmarksLastBottom
Whether the bottom-most tickmark is drawn.
Default: null (displayed if the x-axis position warrants it)
Name: yaxisLabels
Give this property an array of your labels that want to appear on your chart. You can also give this option a string if you prefer and use formatted labels
Default: null
Name: yaxisLabelsPosition
This controls how the specific labels are positioned on the y-axis. Typically you wouldn't use for a Horizontal Bar chart.
Default: edge
Name: yaxisLabelsOffsetx
This allows you finer-grained control in the horizontal direction over the Y label positioning if you need it.
Default:  0
Name: yaxisLabelsOffsety
This allows you finer-grained control in the vertical direction over the Y label positioning if you need it.
Default:  0
Name: yaxisLabelsFont
The font that's used by the y-axis labels.
Default: null
Name: yaxisLabelsSize
The size of the y-axis labels.
Default: null
Name: yaxisLabelsColor
The color of the y-axis labels.
Default: null
Name: yaxisLabelsBold
Whether the y-axis labels are bold or not.
Default: null
Name: yaxisLabelsItalic
Whether the y-axis labels are italic or not.
Default: null
Name: yaxisLabelsHalign
The horizontal alignment of the y-axis labels.
Default: null
Name: yaxisLabelsValign
The vertical alignment of the y-axis labels.
Default: null
Name: yaxisLabelsFormattedDecimals
When using formatted labels this is the number of decimals that are applied to the %{value_formatted} macro.
Default:  0
Name: yaxisLabelsFormattedPoint
When using formatted labels this is the decimal point character that's used with the %{value_formatted} macro.
Default: .
Name: yaxisLabelsFormattedThousand
When using formatted labels this is the thousand separator character that's used with the %{value_formatted} macro.
Default: ,
Name: yaxisLabelsFormattedUnitsPre
When using formatted labels these are the units that are prepended to the number with the %{value_formatted} macro.
Default: (an empty string)
Name: yaxisLabelsFormattedUnitsPost
When using formatted labels these are the units that are appended to the number with the %{value_formatted} macro.
Default: (an empty string)
Name: yaxisLabelsClass
This property allows you to add your own css class to the y-axis labels which you can then use for styling purposes or to make retrieving the span tags easier (the dom elements). If you inspect the labels in your browser's javascript console (you will first need to enable the textAccessiblePointerevents property) you will be able to see the other css classes that are assigned to the labels.
Default: [none]
Name: yaxisTitle
This allows you to specify a title for the y-axis.
Default: none
Name: yaxisTitleSize
This allows you to specify a size for the y-axis title.
Default: null
Name: yaxisTitleFont
This allows you to specify a font for the y-axis title.
Default: null
Name: yaxisTitleBold
This controls whether the y-axis title is bold or not.
Default: null
Name: yaxisTitleColor
This controls what color the y-axis title is.
Default: null
Name: yaxisTitleItalic
This controls whether the y-axis title is italic or not.
Default: null
Name: yaxisTitlePos
This is multiplied with the margin to give the position of the y-axis title.
Default: 0.25
Name: yaxisTitleOffsetx
The pixel offset that's added to the y-axis titles X coordinate.
Default:  0
Name: yaxisTitleOffsety
The pixel offset that's added to the y-axis titles Y coordinate.
Default:  0
Name: yaxisTitleX
By giving this you can specifically set the X position of the y-axis title.
Default: null
Name: yaxisTitleY
By giving this you can specifically set the Y position of the y-axis title.
Default: null
Name: yaxisTitleHalign
The horizontal alignment of the y-axis title.
Default:  0
Name: yaxisTitleValign
The vertical alignment of the y-axis title.
Default:  0
Name: yaxisTitleAccessible
With this property you can control whether the y-axis title is accessible or not.
Default: true

Margin properties

Name: marginLeft
The left margin of the chart, (the margin is where the labels and title are)).
Default: 75
Name: marginLeftAuto
If set to true this will automatically size the left margin to accommodate your labels).
Default: true
Name: marginRight
The right margin of the chart, (the margin is where the labels and title are).
Default: 35
Name: marginRightAuto
If set to true this will automatically size the right margin to accommodate your labels).
Default: false
Name: marginTop
The top margin of the chart, (the margin is where the labels and title are).
Default: 35
Name: marginBottom
The bottom margin of the chart, (the margin is where the labels and title are).
Default: 35 (in 3D charts if you leave this at 25 it will change to 80)
Name: marginInner
The vertical margin that is applied to each bar.
Default: 3

Color properties

Name: colors
An array of the colors of the bars.
Default: ['rgb(0,0,255)', '#0f0', '#00f', '#ff0', '#0ff', '#0f0']
Name: colorsStroke
The color of the outlines of the bars.
Default: black
Name: colorsSequential
If true, for regular Bar charts, the colors that you specify will be used sequentially.
Default: false

Labels and text properties

Name: labelsAbove
This is a boolean which if true, will cause labels to be shown to the right of the bars. (It's called "above" for api compatibility).
Default: false
Name: labelsAboveDecimals
This is a number that controls how many decimals are shown. It defaults to 0, and since it was added (4th December 2010) you may need to set this, otherwise, no decimals will be shown.
Default:  0
Name: labelsAbovePoint
The character that's used for the decimal point.
Default: .
Name: labelsAboveThousand
The character that's used for the thousand separator.
Default: ,
Name: labelsAboveUnitsPre
If you wish you can specify units that are prepended to the text label (separately to the main xaxisScaleUnitsPre setting)
Default: null
Name: labelsAboveUnitsPost
If you wish you can specify units that are appended to the text label (separately to the main xaxisScaleUnitsPost setting)
Default: null
Name: labelsAboveFont
The font used for the above labels. It defaults to the textFont setting
Default: null
Name: labelsAboveSize
The size of the above labels. It defaults to the textSize setting
Default: null
Name: labelsAboveBold
Whether the above labels are bold or not
Default: null
Name: labelsAboveItalic
Whether the above labels are italic or not
Default: null
Name: labelsAboveColor
The color of the above labels. It defaults to the main textColor option
Default: null
Name: labelsAboveHalign
The horizontal alignment of the labels. When you have a Horizontal Bar chart with the Y axis in the center the left/right is reversed for negative bars.
Default: null (ie left)
Name: labelsAboveOffsetx
This allows you finer-grained control in the horizontal direction over the text positioning if you need it.
Default:  0
Name: labelsAboveOffsety
This allows you finer-grained control in the vertical direction over the text positioning if you need it.
Default:  0
Name: labelsAboveBackground
If you you want a background color to the labelsAbove labels then you can use this property to specify it.
Default:  transparent
Name: textFont
The font used to render the text.
Default: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif
Name: textColor
The color of the labels.
Default: black
Name: textSize
The size (in points) of the labels.
Default: 12
Name: textBold
Whether the text is bold or not.
Default: false
Name: textItalic
Whether the text is italic or not.
Default: false
Name: textAccessible
A new feature in 2016 that allows you to use dom text in place of canvas text. It makes for much higher quality text that you can also select if desired (for copy/paste operations). It won't fit all situations and you can read more about the DOM text feature here. A good way to control borders/margins/padding etc is not to set them on the canvas but to wrap the canvas in a div and set them on that like this:
<div style="margin-left: 50px; display: inline-block">
    <canvas id="cvs" width="650" height="250"></canvas>
Default: false
Name: textAccessibleOverflow
This can be visible or hidden and it controls whether the text is clipped to the edges of the canvas. It defaults to be visible and means you can set small margins if you wish.
Default: visible
Name: textAccessiblePointerevents
This controls whether the dom text responds to mouse-based events or not (it sets the pointer-events css property to none).
Default: true
Name: labelsInbar
Whether to show the labelsInbar style labels.
Default: false
Name: labelsInbarPoint
The decimal point character to use for the labelsInbar labels.
Default: null
Name: labelsInbarThousand
The thousand separator character to use for the labelsInbar labels.
Default: null
Name: labelsInbarDecimals
The number of decimals to use for the labelsInbar labels.
Default:  0
Name: labelsInbarUnitsPre
A string to prepend to the labelsInbar labels.
Default: null
Name: labelsInbarUnitsPost
A string to append to the labelsInbar labels.
Default: null
Name: labelsInbarOffsetx
The horizontal offset of the labelsInbar labels.
Default:  0
Name: labelsInbarOffsety
The vertical offset of the labelsInbar labels.
Default:  0
Name: labelsInbarHalign
The horizontal alignment of the labelsInbar labels.
Default: center
Name: labelsInbarValign
The vertical alignment of the labelsInbar labels.
Default: center
Name: labelsInbarFont
The font of the labelsInbar labels.
Default: null
Name: labelsInbarSize
The size of the labelsInbar labels.
Default: null
Name: labelsInbarBold
Whether the labelsInbar labels are bold or not.
Default: null
Name: labelsInbarItalic
Whether the labelsInbar labels are italic or not.
Default: null
Name: labelsInbarColor
The color of the labelsInbar labels.
Default: null
Name: labelsInbarBackground
The background color of the labelsInbar labels.
Default: null
Name: labelsInbarSpecific
This property allows you to make the labelsInbar labels specific strings instead of numbers.
Default: null
Name: labelsInbarFormatter
A function that handles ALL of the formatting of the number. The function is passed a single object as an argument which contains these keys: number object point thousand unitspre unitspost formatter
Default: null
Name: text
This allows you to add custom text to your chart if you want to. There's a dedicated page that describes this option here.
Default: null

Title properties

Name: title
The title of the chart, if any.
Default: null
Name: titleFont
The font that the title is rendered in. If not specified the textFont setting is used (usually Arial).
Default: null
Name: titleSize
The size of the title. If not specified the size is usually 4pt bigger than the textSize setting.
Default: null
Name: titleBold
Whether the title is bold or not.
Default: null
Name: titleItalic
Whether the title is italic or not.
Default: null
Name: titleColor
The color of the title.
Default: null
Name: titleX
To give the exact X coordinate for the title - use this. This can also be a string like this: "-5" - in which case it's converted to a number and added to the calculated coordinate - allowing you to adjust the calculated coordinate.
Default: null
Name: titleY
To give the exact Y coordinate for the title - use this. This can also be a string like this: "-5" - in which case it's converted to a number and added to the calculated coordinate - allowing you to adjust the calculated coordinate.
Default: null
Name: titleHalign
The horizontal alignment of the title.
Default: center (can change depending on other options)
Name: titleValign
The vertical alignment of the title.
Default: center (can change depending on other options)
Name: titleOffsetx
You can use this property to adjust the positioning of the title in the horizontal direction (positive values adjust the title to the right and negative values adjust it to the left).
Default:  0
Name: titleOffsety
You can use this property to adjust the positioning of the title in the vertical direction (positive values adjust the title downwards and negative values adjust it upwards).
Default:  0
Name: titleSubtitle
The subtitle of the chart. If a subtitle is specified the title is moved up to accommodate it. As such you might need to give a larger marginTop value.
Default: null
Name: titleSubtitleSize
The size of the font used to render the subtitle.
Default: null
Name: titleSubtitleColor
The color of the subtitle.
Default: #aaa
Name: titleSubtitleFont
The font used to render the subtitle.
Default: null
Name: titleSubtitleBold
Whether the subtitle is bold or not.
Default: null
Name: titleSubtitleItalic
Whether the subtitle is italic or not.
Default: null
Name: titleSubtitleOffsetx
Use this property to adjust the horizontal position of the subtitle.
Default:  0
Name: titleSubtitleOffsety
Use this property to adjust the vertical position of the subtitle.
Default:  0

Shadow properties

Name: shadow
Whether a small drop shadow is applied.
Default: false
Name: shadowColor
The color of the shadow.
Default: #666
Name: shadowOffsetx
The horizontal offset of the shadow.
Default: 3
Name: shadowOffsety
The vertical offset of the shadow.
Default: 3
Name: shadowBlur
The severity of the shadow blurring effect.
Default: 3

Key properties

The key properties are documented on the key documentation page.

Line properties

Name: line
Enabling this will draw a line across the tops of the bars on the chart. So by setting this to true and setting the color of the bars to transparent (ie colors: ['transparent']) you can get a vertical line chart. There are examples of this in the download archive called demos/hbar-vertical-line.html and demos/hbar-vertical-line-multiple.html The latter uses multiple Horizontal Bar chart objects to show multiple lines (one per object) drawn on the same canvas tag.
Default: false
Name: lineColor
With this property you can specify the color of the line. Note that it should be a string (because you can only have one line per Horizontal Bar object).
Default: black
Name: lineLinejoin
This property controls how the joins of lines are drawn - it can be miter, bevel or round. For a visualisation of these options you can refer to the lineJoin reference page.
Default: round
Name: lineLinecap
This property controls how the ends of lines are drawn - it can be butt, square or round. For a visualisation of these options you can refer to the lineCap reference page.
Default: round
Name: lineLinewidth
The linewidth of the line on the chart.
Default: 1
Name: lineShadow
Whether a shadow is cast by the line or not.
Default: true
Name: lineShadowColor
The color of the shadow. Most (if not all) color definitions can be used here - learn about the different color definitions on this page.
Default: #666
Name: lineShadowBlur
The magnitude of the blurring effect of the shadow. If you're having issues with animation frame rates with canvas-based animations on slower devices - try reducing, or turning off completely, the blur.
Default: 2
Name: lineShadowOffsetx
The horizontal offset in pixels of the shadow.
Default: 2
Name: lineShadowOffsety
The vertical offset in pixels of the shadow.
Default: 2
Name: lineSpline
Whether or not the line is drawn as a spline (curvy).
Default: false
Name: lineTickmarksStyle
This determines the style of the Line chart tooltips. It can be one of: circle endcircle filledcircle filledendcircle square endsquare filledsquare filledendsquare
Default: null
Name: lineTickmarksSize
This determines the size of the tickmarks
Default: 5
Name: lineTickmarksDrawNull
If you have null values shown on your chart this will allow you to show tickmarks for them. The tickmarks will be drawn at zero
Default: false
Name: lineTickmarksDrawNonNull
If you have a point, with null values on both sides, there wouldn't normally be a tickmark drawn either for the null values or the valid point in the middle. This is because you need two consecutive non-null values for a line to be drawn. With this setting though you can tell RGraph to draw the tickmark for the non-null point so that you can at least see it on the chart (despite there being no connecting line).
Default: false

Interactive features properties

Name: contextmenu
An array of context menu items. You cannot have context menus AND tooltips, only one or the other. More information about context menus is here.
Default: [] (An empty array)
Name: tooltips
An array of tooltips for the chart.
Default: An empty array
Name: tooltipsEvent
This is the event that triggers the tooltips. It can be click or mousemove.
Default: onclick
Name: tooltipsEffect
The effect used for showing tooltips. Possible values are slide fade or none.
Default: slide
Name: tooltipsOverride
If you wish to handle showing tooltips yourself, this should be a function object which does just that. There's more information on the tooltips documentation page.
Default: null
Name: tooltipsFormattedPoint
When using formatted tooltip strings this is used as the point when using the %{value_formatted} option.
Default: .
Name: tooltipsFormattedThousand
When using formatted tooltip strings this is used as the thousand separator when using the %{value_formatted} option.
Default: ,
Name: tooltipsFormattedDecimals
When using formatted tooltip strings this specifies the number of decimals when using the %{value_formatted} option.
Default:  0
Name: tooltipsFormattedUnitsPre
When using formatted tooltip strings these units are prepended to the number when using the %{value_formatted} option.
Default: (an empty string)
Name: tooltipsFormattedUnitsPost
When using formatted tooltip strings these units are appended to the number when using the %{value_formatted} option.
Default: (an empty string)
Name: tooltipsFormattedKeyColors
When using formatted tooltip strings you can give specific colors for the %{key} option to use.
Default: null
Name: tooltipsFormattedKeyColorsShape
This is the shape that's used in the tooltip key. It can be square or circle
Default: square
Name: tooltipsFormattedKeyColorsCss
By using this property you can add css values to the key color shape that appears in the tooltip key. Note the property name is "color" and not "colors" like previous properties. It should be an object of css properties like this:
tooltipsFormattedKeyColorsCss : {
    border: "1px solid #ddd";
Default: null
Name: tooltipsFormattedKeyLabels
When using formatted tooltip strings these are the labels that are displayed.
Default: [] (an empty array)
Name: tooltipsFormattedListType
With this property you can switch between an unordered list (the default) and an ordered list. Possible values are ul and ol.
Default: ul
Name: tooltipsFormattedListItems
This should be a two-dimension array of the list items that are to be shown for all of the tooltips. An example of this property is:
tooltipsFormattedListItems: [
    ['Bill','Jerry','Berty'], // First tooltip
    ['Gill','Carrie','Lucy'], // Second tooltip
    ['Pob','Nobby','Hilda']   // Third tooltip
You can use css to style this list - for example:
.RGraph_tooltip ul#rgraph_formatted_tooltips_list li {
    text-align: left;
    color: yellow;
Default: null
Name: tooltipsFormattedTableHeaders
When showing a table in the tooltips this can be an array of headers for the table. These are added to the tooltip using th tags.
Default: null
Name: tooltipsFormattedTableData
This is the data that is added to the table. This is a 3-dimensional array so it's easy to make a mistake. See the example, copy the code from it and then modify it suit. You'll create fewer bugs this way.
Default: null)
Name: tooltipsPointer
By default the tooltips have a small triangular pointer that points to the shape that was clicked on. You can turn this off with this property.
Default: true
Name: tooltipsPointerCss
If you want any css values applied to the tooltips pointer (a css border, for example) then specify an object containing those values to this property. For example:
tooltipsPointerCss: {
    borderLeft: 'gray 2px solid',
    borderBottom: 'gray 2px solid'
Default: null
Name: tooltipsPointerOffsetx
This allows you to adjust the vertical position of the tooltips pointer.
Default:  0
Name: tooltipsPointerOffsety
This allows you to adjust the vertical position of the tooltips pointer (for example, if you add a border you may need to move it down slightly).
Default:  0
Name: tooltipsPositionStatic
The new default (as of August 2020) is for tooltips to be positioned statically and not be dependent on the mouse position. If you don't want this for whatever reason, you can disable it with this setting. When you set it to false tooltips are positioned next to the mouse pointer.
Default: true
Name: tooltipsCss
If you want to specify some css that gets applied to all of the tooltips, but don't want to use the object (which gets applied to all of the tooltips on the page for every chart) you can use this property to give some per-object css for the tooltips. These are css styles that get applied to all of the tooltips for the specific object only. It should look like this:
tooltipsCss: {
    fontFamily: 'Verdana',
    fontSize: '20pt'
Default: null
Name: tooltipsCssClass
This is the name of the css class the chart uses.
Default: RGraph_tooltip
Name: tooltipsOffsetx
This property allows you to shift the tooltips left or right.
Default:  0
Name: tooltipsOffsety
This property allows you to shift the tooltips up or down.
Default:  0
Name: tooltipsHotspotYonly
If set to true the hotspot for the tooltips will ignore the width of the bar and extend from the left margin across to the right margin. This can be useful when you have zero value bars but still want to see the tooltips.
Default: false
Name: tooltipsHotspotShape
This can be rect (the default) or point. You can use the point option for when you're showing a vertical line.
Default: rect
Name: tooltipsHotspotIgnore
This can be a number of things and can be used to ignore certain tooltip hotspots - which can allow charts to the rear to be clickable. There's an example of this in the download archive called pie-tooltipshotspotignore.html. You can use the transparent color to allow the rear chart to be seen in such a case. It can be:
  • A single boolean value (ie true or false) to enable or disable all of the hotspots - true means the hotspot will be ignored
  • A single number (the zero-indexed number corresponding to the hotspot to ignore)
  • An array of numbers (the numbers are the indexes of hotspots to ignore)
  • An array of boolean true or false values - the position of these values correspond to the index(es) of the segments to ignore (for example [false, false, true, false, false] - true means the corresponding hotspot will be ignored)
Default: null
Name: crosshairs
If true, you will get a crosshair centering on the current mouse position.
Default: false
Name: crosshairsLinewidth
This controls the linewidth of the crosshairs.
Default: 1
Name: crosshairsColor
The color of the crosshairs.
Default: #333
Name: crosshairsHline
This determines whether the horizontal crosshair is shown.
Default: true
Name: crosshairsVline
This determines whether the vertical crosshair is shown.
Default: true
Name: crosshairsSnapToScale
If set to true the vertical grid line will snap to the scale values.
Default: false
Name: annotatable
Whether annotations are enabled for the chart (ie you can draw on the chart interactively.
Default: false
Name: annotatableColor
If you do not allow the use of the palette, then this will be the only color allowed for annotations.
Default: black
Name: annotatableLinewidth
This is the linewidth of the annotations.
Default: 1
Name: adjustable
Default: false
Name: adjustableOnly
This should be an array of values that determine whether a Bar is adjustable or not. A truthy value for when it is, a falsey value for when it's not.
Default: null

Miscellaneous properties

Name: verticalLines
With this property you can add vertical lines to your chart. This feature was initially designed with adding an average line indicator in mind but can be used to indicate any value with any label. The value of this property should be an array of objects and each object can consist of the following:
  • value: The value you want the line positioned at or the keyword average (default: average)
  • color: The color of the line (default: #666)
  • dashed: Whether the line is dashed or not (default: true)
  • dotted: Whether the line is dotted or not (default: false)
  • linewidth: The linewidth of the line (default: 1)
  • label: this is The label that appears above (by default) the line. If you don't want a label you can set this to an empty string. default: Average (%{value})
  • labelPosition: This can be a string that consists of either the word top or bottom. (default: top)
  • labelFont: The font that the label is drawn in (default: [the same as the textFont property])
  • labelColor: The color that the label is drawn in (default: #666)
  • labelSize: The size of the label (in points) (default: null [falls back to the textSize setting])
  • labelBold: Whether the label is bold or not (default: null [falls back to the textBold setting])
  • labelItalic: Whether the label is italic or not (default: null [falls back to the textItalic setting])
  • labelValueDecimals: How many decimals are shown on the number. (default: 0)
  • labelValuePoint: The character used as the decimal point. (default: .)
  • labelValueThousand: The character used as the thousand separator charactor.(default: ,)
  • labelValueUnitsPre: This string is prepended to the number. (default: [an empty string])
  • labelValueUnitsPost: This string is appended to the number. (default: [an empty string])
  • labelOffsetx: The offset that's applied to the X coordinate. (default: 0)
  • labelOffsety: The offset that's applied to the Y coordinate. (default: 0)
  • labelValueFormatter: This function handles ALL of the formatting of the number. (default: null)
  • labelX: If you want to specify the exact X coordinate for the label you can do so with this property. (default: null)
  • labelY: If you want to specify the exact Y coordinate for the label you can do so with this property. (default: null)
  • labelHalign: The horizontal alignment of the text. (default: center)
  • labelValign: The vertical alignment of the text. (default: bottom - but depends on the labelPosition setting)
Here's an example:
obj.set('verticalLines', [
    value: 'average',
    dashed: true
    value: 10.48,
    label:'Value (%{value})',
    labelValueDecimals: 2,
    labelValueThousand: ',',
    //labelValueFormatter: function (opt)
    //    return opt.number;
Default: null
Name: grouping
How the bars are grouped, and it should be one of: grouped or stacked.
Default: grouped
Name: highlightStroke
If you use tooltips, this controls the color of the highlight stroke.
Default: black
Name: highlightFill
If you use tooltips, this controls the color of the highlight fill.
Default: rgba(255,255,255,0.5)
Name: clearto
This is used in animations and effects as the default color to use when clearing the canvas.
Default: null
Name: highlightStyle
By default this is null but you can set it to a function if you wish so that function is called to do the chart highlighting. It's passed the shape object as an argument. As of version 5.23 you can also set this to invert as well. If you do this on a dark background you may find that you need to change the highlightFill color setting as well.
Default: null
Name: variant
This stipulates whether you want a regular Horizontal Bar chart or a 3D chart. Possible values are:
  • hbar
  • 3d
Default: hbar
Name: variantThreedOffsetx
This determines the size of the offset in the X direction.
Default: 10
Name: variantThreedOffsety
This determines the size of the offset in the Y direction.
Default: 5
Name: variantThreedXaxis
This allows you to turn on/off the 3D x-axis.
Default: true
Name: variantThreedYaxis
This allows you to turn on/off the 3D y-axis.
Default: true
Name: corners
This can be (the default) square or round. When it's set to round the tops of the bars will have rounded corners. There's a demo in the download archive that demonstrates this called hbar-rounded.html.
Default: square
Name: cornersRoundRadius
This is the extent of the rounded corners. Bigger values means rounder corners.
Default: 10
Name: cornersRoundTop
Whether the top corner of the bar is rounded or not.
Default: true
Name: cornersRoundBottom
Whether the bottom corner of the bar is rounded or not.
Default: true
Name: cornersRoundTopRadius
If you want to specify the corner radius values separately - you can use this property to give the top corner radius.
Default: null
Name: cornersRoundBottomRadius
If you want to specify the corner radius values separately - you can use this property to give the bottom corner radius.
Default: null
Name: responsive
This option is new to the July 2023 release (v6.13) and allows you to inline the responsive configuration instead of appending it on to the end of the object it as a function. The documentation and demo pages have been updated to use this new option. You can read more about the responsive feature by reading the responsive configuration page.
Default: null


An accessor that you can use to retrieve the values of properties.

obj.set(name, value)
An accessor that you can use to set the values of properties.

This method makes it easy to get hold of which bar or segment has been clicked on or hovered over. It returns an object which has the following indexes available:

object The chart object
x The X coordinate
y The Y coordinate
width The width of the bar
height The height of the bar
dataset The zero-indexed "group". In a regular Horizontal Bar chart this is the index of the bar. In a stacked or grouped chart, however, this is the index of the group (or stack).
index The zero-indexed numerical index of the bar. In a stacked or grouped chart, this is the index in a particular group. In a regular Horizontal Bar chart, this is always zero. Note that in a stacked chart the counting starts from the top-most segment (which is zero).
sequentialIndex The zero-indexed sequential index of the bar. For example, in a grouped chart where there are three groups of three bars this goes from 0 up to 8.
tooltip If a tooltip is associated with this bar or segment this will be strings are expanded for you (where the tooltip text is retrieved from the html tag with the matching ID).
    obj.canvas.onclick = function (e)
        var canvas  =,
            obj     = canvas.__object__,
            shape   = obj.getShape(e);

        if (shape) {
            var x      = shape.x,
                y      = shape.y,
                width  = shape.width,
                height = shape.height;
                'b r % % % % s black f red',
                x, y, width, height

obj.getShapeByY(event[, object])

This method is similar to the getShape method described above but when comparing the mouse position to the bar coordinates this method only takes into account the mouse y position. This method is used when the Horizontal Bar chart is made to be adjustable.

The second argument is optional and allows you to specify the (RGraph) object to be used in the checks.


This method can be used to get the value at a particular point or at the mouse coordinates, based on the scale that is in use. Not simply the coordinates of the mouse. The argument can either be an event object (for use in event listener functions) or a two-element array consisting of the x and y coordinates (ie when you're not necessarily in an event listener). It returns null if the mouse or coordinates are in the margin areas. An example:

myChart.canvas.onclick = function (e)
    var obj   =;
    var value = obj.getValue(e);
    // ...


This method can be used to get an appropriate x coordinate for a value when you're doing custom drawing on the chart. It returns null if the value is out of range.

obj.on(event, function)

This method can be used to set an event listener on an object. It operates similarly to the jquery on function. The first argument is the event that you wish to attach to and the second is the listener function. For example:

obj.on('draw', function (obj)
    // Put your event code here

The function is useful if you use method chaining when creating your charts:

obj = new RGraph.HBar({
    id: 'cvs',
    data: [5,8,6,4,3,5],
    options: {
        marginLeft: 55,
        marginInner: 5,
        yaxisLabels: ['Hoolio','Jill','Pete','Kevin','Lucy','John']
}).on('mousemove', function (e, shape)
    // Put your mousemove event code here

}).on('click', function (e, shape)
    // Put your click event code here


The exec function is documented here.


The responsive function helps your charts respond to different browser window sizes and screen resolutions. For example, for smaller screens, you might want to have angled labels or show shorter versions of them completely.

Update: There is now the responsive configuration option available to you and this is now the preferred method of configuration.

The responsive function and configuration option are documented on their own page here.

The obj.data_arr array

Sometimes you may wish to view your data as one big array, instead of one array per dataset. In this case, the obj.data_arr is available. This is one long array containing all of the individual data points.

The coordinates properties

As with the majority of the RGraph objects the coordinates of the various shapes are recorded and stored in various properties on the RGraph chart object. The Horizontal Bar chart is no different and has these properties available to you:


RGraph supports custom events that allow you to easily add interactivity to your charts if required. The following events are available:

For example:
new RGraph.HBar({
    id: 'cvs',
    data: [4,8,6,3,5,8,9],
    options: {
}).on('draw', function (obj)
    console.log('The draw event has fired');


These effects are available and can be used instead of the draw function. There are also generic effects available which you can see here: Generic effects and transitions
    // Optional callback function that's called when the effect is complete
    function myCallback (obj)
        // ...

    obj = new RGraph.HBar({
        id: 'cvs',
        data: [4,8,6,3,5,2,4],
        options: {
            marginLeft: 35,
            marginInner: 5
    }).grow({frames: 60}, myCallback)